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Ultimate Albania Cycling Tour

Albania, North Macedonia
5 reviews
Available Departures: May, Sep, Oct

9 days from


without flights
Guided Group

Cycling and sightseeing holiday amongst the UNESCO-listed highlights of this unspoiled and little-known Balkan country

Trip Code: ALMB
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Ultimate Albania Cycling Tour

  • Beautiful Lake Ohrid and a visit to the nearby Monastery of Saint Naum in Macedonia
  • Quiet roads, colourful wild flowers and traditional agriculture of the Korce Plateau
  • Stroll through 2500 years of history at Butrint, Albania’s premier archaeological site
  • Get your fix of sun, sea and sand at Sarande and Himare on the Albanian Riviera
  • Bike and ALL meals included. Expect to be amazed by the sheer quality of the food

At a Glance
  • Group Size 5 to 16
  • 7 days cycling
  • 397 kilometres
  • 100% road
  • 100% vehicle support
  • Max. altitude - 1200m
  • Join In Tirana

Accommodation & Meals
  • All meals included
  • 6 nights Hotel
  • 1 nights Guesthouse
  • 1 nights Farmstay

Isolated from the rest of the world until the mid 1990’s, Albania is a colourful and welcoming country with a mix of unique attractions that make it the perfect destination for an adventure cycling holiday. Starting out from the thriving capital city of Tirana, this bespoke itinerary balances generally half-days of cycling with plenty of time to soak up the essence of the country.

You’ll start out by cycling to Lake Ohrid within its circle of high mountains and have the chance to hop over into Macedonia to see the stunning Monastery of Saint Naum. Then, for several days, the route crosses the agricultural heartland of Albania, close to the border with Greece, where you’ll share the quiet flower-fringed roads with horse-drawn carts and shepherds driving their flocks. The towns of Korce and Gjirocaster are highlights, as are the family farm of Farma Sotire in the Grammoz Mountains and the hot springs and Ottoman bridge at Lengarica. Cycling out to the coast, with the Island of Corfu looming on the horizon, you’ll have a guided tour at Butrint with its well-preserved Greek theatre and Roman bath-house. Then, cycling north though the most beautiful section of the Albanian Riviera, you'll have a night at each of the contrasting resorts of Sarande and Himare. This final part of the holiday will show off a different side to the country and provide plenty of time to chill and to reflect on one of Europe’s best cycling holidays.

Is this holiday for you?

ADVENTURE CYCLING. With just under 400 kilometres of cycling in 7 days, this is a holiday for regular weekend cyclists looking for a new challenge. There are a couple of short and easy days without a lot of ascent and there are also some longer days with moderate amounts of accumulated ascent. In most cases, the cycling is over by lunch time, or there’s just a short ride after lunch to the ne …

ADVENTURE CYCLING. With just under 400 kilometres of cycling in 7 days, this is a holiday for regular weekend cyclists looking for a new challenge. There are a couple of short and easy days without a lot of ascent and there are also some longer days with moderate amounts of accumulated ascent. In most cases, the cycling is over by lunch time, or there’s just a short ride after lunch to the next night’s accommodation. The ‘moving time’ or time actually cycling generally averages out at little more than 3 hours each day. The roads are quiet and well surfaced for the most part, with a couple of rougher sections in the mountains that the provided hybrid bikes cope well with. What’s more, Albanian motorists have a great attitude and are always ready to give you the room you need on the road. Our ground agent in Albania is first rate and has a fleet of Giant Roam hybrid bikes which are included within the trip price.

Why KE?

The Best Itinerary

We include a short introductory ride and a night beside Lake Ohrid with the option to visit the unmissable Monastery of Saint Naum in Macedonia. The remainder of the week offers up a nice balance of mostly half-day rides which ends at Himare on the Albanian Riviera. We have chosen to leave out the tough ride on a busy road up to the Llogara Pass that some of our competitors include.



Your holiday starts at the hotel in Tirana. We do not provide an airport transfer today. There is a shuttle bus that meets every incoming flight and taxis are always available and inexpensive (approx. €20 one-way). The journey time is 20-25 minutes. There will be a briefing at the hotel with the tour guide in the early evening, followed by a walk through downtown Tirana to a traditional restaurant where you will get a first taste of Albanian cuisine which is such an important part of this holiday.





After breakfast at the hotel, the group will take a 2-hour drive to the start of the first day's cycling. This provides a good introduction to the Albanian countryside, leading through rich farmland, deep valleys and via a number of towns including Elbasan. There will be a coffee stop, during which the support vehicle and driver will go ahead to the road pass at Qafe Thane (950m) above Lake Ohrid to set up the group's bikes. The local staff will make sure everyone is comfortable with their bike, before the ride starts with an easy descent via several sweeping curves to the lake shore. Thirty kilometres long and more than 250 metres deep, Lake Ohrid is simply stunning and is an important local fishery. Small boats can be seen out on the lake and there are usually several roadside stalls selling fish. Level cycling beside the lake leads easily to Pogradec and the adjacent settlement of Tushemist which comprises just 3 or 4 small hotels and restaurants. After a splendid waterside lunch, there's the option to cycle into neighbouring Macedonia (you'll need your passport) to visit one of the standout attractions of this region, the 16th century Byzantine-style Eastern Orthodox Monastery of Saint Naum. Set in pleasant gardens with strutting peacocks, souvenir stalls and restaurants, this is a great place to spend an hour or two before returning to the hotel in Tushemist. Time for a swim in the lake before dinner. The optional ride to the monastery and back is 12 kilometres and this is included in the figures below.






150 M


400 M


3 hrs cycling


40 KM

Cycling out from Tushemist, you'll pass through Pogradec again and soon begin a short sharp climb of about 150 metres up onto a plateau bounded by mountains. Turning off onto a minor road between 2 small lakes, the route meanders pleasantly with only a couple of short inclines, passing several small villages, with a limestone escarpment on the left-hand side and extensive and obviously very fertile farmed land of the Korce Plateau to the right. Horse-drawn carts are more common than tractors and you'll see waving kids, farmers working in the fields with scythes and lots of colourful flowers at the roadside. There's a coffee/Coca-Cola stop at an isolated café and later, beyond a junction with a bigger road, a long and leisurely lunch stop. After lunch, an easy 5 kilometre ride leads to the hotel in downtown Korce. Before dinner, the tour guide will take the group on a short city tour. The first school ever to teach in the Albanian language is here and there's also an impressive Orthodox cathedral, some colourful and interesting architecture and a quiet market area where you can stop for a coffee or a beer. Later, heading out for dinner at another traditional restaurant, don't be surprised to find that the streets are busy with local people having a good time.






450 M


290 M


4 - 5 hrs cycling


53 KM

Cycling directly from the hotel, there's a new section of road for the first 20 kilometres which comes to an end at the top of the 200 metre climb to the Barmash Pass (1150m). Close to Albania's border with Greece, the route now descends into a beautiful and rustic region with forested hills and some sections of rough road perfectly suited to the rugged hybrid bikes that are provided. After a brief interlude at Korce, you are back now to the riotous roadside flowers and timeless rural scenery that are such an unforgettable part of this Albanian experience. There's a quirky streamside chalet at 27 kilometres, the only place to stop for coffee during the morning's ride. Then, a gradual climb to a lunch stop at a restaurant in Erseke (1000m), one of the highest small towns in the country. The route continues to undulate on patchy roads with little traffic and the final climb amongst shading pine trees feels like the longest of the day, although it's not quite 200 metres. Tucked away in a hidden, wooded valley, Farma Sotira is a charming place, centred on trout-farm pools and with lots of other animals. The accommodation is in cosy twin-room cabins and there are both indoor and outdoor dining facilities. The trout is very good!






1100 M


970 M


7 hrs cycling


68 KM

Enjoy your farmhouse breakfast of bread straight from the oven, fried eggs, salty goat's cheese and yummy home-made cherry jam with an espresso coffee to finish it off. Then, leaving the farm, there's a short ascent through a fresh and lovely 'alpine' area, followed by a cross-country ride on a meandering road. Look out for eagles, wild flowers, colourful bee-hives, shepherds and their sheep and farmers bringing in the hay in the old-fashioned way with pitchforks. You'll pass above a pretty lake and swing around and down to the large, red-roofed village of Leskovik. This is a good place to regroup, before starting a mega descent of more than 10 kilometres on a new road to the banks of a river close to the Greek border. The route levels out and continues to Carshoves, where you'll stop for coffee, before cycling onwards alongside the Vjosa River with towering peaks beyond. There are some sections of rough road and a few small farms before reaching the group's guesthouse in the Lengarica Valley. Lunch here and a free afternoon, although it's highly recommended to cycle up to the excellent hot springs at the head of the valley. There's a superb 16th century Ottoman bridge to cross to reach the pools which are at a temperature of about 25 degrees - not too hot. Another traditional Albanian dinner and overnight at the guesthouse. The optional ride to the hot springs and back is 10 kilometres and this is included in the figures below.






700 M


1360 M


5 hrs cycling


69 KM

Cycling back to the road alongside the Vjosa River and turning right, the Dhembel range on the south-west side of the river rises above 2000 metres and is usually clearer in the morning light. The road follows the river and trends very gradually downhill as far as the town of Kelcyre, where the river turns westwards into the Kelcyre Gorge. Passing beneath a ruined fort at the entrance to this steep-sided valley, you'll soon reach a riverside café built astride a waterfall - a convenient place to take a break. There are some impressive river views on the next section, still descending gradually and with some farmed land now squeezed in alongside the river. Crossing the river on a steel bridge, you'll traverse around a spur and head generally southwards into the broad valley of the Drinos River. Crossing this river you'll meet the main Tepeljen-Gjirokaster road and cycle on this for just a kilometre to a very interesting roadside restaurant with springs all around it including one that has been channelled to cascade over the roof. After another fantastic lunch, rather than cycling on the main road, there's a 20 kilometre transfer to nearby Gjirokaster. After checking in at the central hotel, you'll have time to rest or to do some souvenir shopping in the adjacent market. At around 4pm, the tour guide will take the group on a city tour, to include the fascinating Skenduli House (dating from the Ottoman period), before hiking up to the fortress which dominates Gjirokaster and provides great views across the characteristic stone-clad rooftops of what is arguably Albania's most beautiful town.






200 M


350 M


3 hrs cycling


46 KM

Today you'll be heading out to Albania's sun-kissed Ionian coast and to make this easier there's a half hour transfer to the top of the Muzina Pass (550m). Here, you can grab a coffee or a soft drink at the café while the local crew unload the group's bikes from the trailer. The route starts out with a super and sinuous 8 kilometre descent from the pass and then a flattish run of around 15 kilometres alongside the clear Bistrica River (which at this point flows in a channel) to the outskirts of Sarande. From here, after another coffee stop, you'll set off on quiet roads to complete a scenic southward loop to Butrint amongst reed beds, orchards and farmed land. There's a little bit of up and down and reaching a small lake on the right side of the road there are views to Sarande and the hills of Corfu. At the narrow channel that links Lake Butrint with the Ionian Sea, you'll cross by way of a cable-drawn ferry and then take lunch in the shaded gardens of a restaurant. After lunch, there's a short guided tour of Butrint, one of the most important archaeological sites in the region with Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Venetian and Ottoman remains. There's still the little matter of a 17 kilometre cycle ride to reach the group's sea-front hotel in Sarande, but anyone who fancies a break can choose to do this bit in the support vehicle. Arriving at the hotel mid-afternoon, there's plenty of time to take a dip in the azure-blue Ionian Sea, before dinner on the promenade.






400 M


950 M


5 hrs cycling


70 KM

Cycling directly from the hotel and along the promenade, there's a short, sharp climb out of town. There are no sea views at first, as the road runs inland of a coastal ridge, but there is a panorama of rugged hills to the east that rise up as high as 1850 metres with an isolated church in the foreground. At 14 kilometres, after further climbs amongst olive groves, there's a coffee stop in the colourful village of Shen Vasil. Beyond this point, the road approaches the sea once again and twists and turns above a succession of bays with views back to the Island of Corfu. The road drops down through Qeparo and crosses a headland where you may spot some more of Albania's ubiquitous concrete bunkers by the roadside. Built by the Communist dictator Enver Hoxha during the period between about 1965 and 1985, there are several hundred thousand of these in the country. On the next small promontory is Porto Palermo Castle which is thought to have been built by the Venetians. This is a good place to stop for lunch and the walk out to the impressive 3-sided fort provides an alternative perspective along the coast in both directions. Arriving at the hotel in the laid-back coastal town of Himare in the early afternoon, it's time to chill out. There's a long pebble beach, a few free-to-use sun loungers and not a lot else - enjoy.






950 M


950 M


4 - 5 hrs cycling


51 KM

After an early breakfast, the group will board the transfer bus for the 4-hour drive to Tirana Airport. The first part of the drive is spectacular, following the coast and passing through a number of seaside towns including Dhermi. There are views of the coastal strip known as the 'Albanian Riviera' as the road climbs via a series of hairpins up to the Llogora Pass (1027m). Dropping down to Vlore, through a valley bounded by high peaks, you'll leave the coastal strip and continue to the airport, with a coffee stop en-route. Arriving at the airport in the late morning allows plenty of time to check in for your homeward flight.


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Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • An experienced English-speaking cycling guide
  • Full-time support vehicle and driver
  • A single timed transfer to Tirana Airport on Day 9
  • All vehicle transfers as mentioned in the itinerary
  • Accommodation as described
  • All meals
  • Guided city tours in Korce and Gjirokaster
  • Guided tour at Butrint
  • Local bike hire

  • Travel insurance
  • Tirana Airport transfers (other than the single transfer on Day 9)
  • Tips for local staff
  • Snacks and drinks with meals
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses

The group will meet at the hotel in Tirana.

Transfers from Tirana Airport are not provided on arrival (Day 1 of the itinerary) but a single transfer to Tirana Airport on the final day of the holiday is provided.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking confirmation.

All meals are provided, from dinner on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 9.

Water from the taps may not be drinkable in all locations on this trip - please check with your guide. We recommend taking water purification tablets and a reusable bottle with a filter such as Water-to-Go, which can both be used to help make safe other water sources. Please note that we do not encourage the purchase of single use plastic bottles.

All meals are included in the holiday price and the food in Albania is a revelation. Breakfasts at the larger hotels are buffet style with all options covered. There are usually cereals, fruit, cheese, salad stuff (tomatoes, olives, cucumber), cold meats, as well as eggs, cooked sausage, bread, cakes, fruit juice, tea and coffee. There may be fewer items offered at one or two of the place we stay, but there is always plenty of choice. Lunches are always a proper sit-down meal at a restaurant with a selection of typical Albanian dishes offered and shared amongst the group. Salads and fresh vegetables predominate, with rich cream cheese, sizzling tomato and cheese dishes and/or grilled peppers. There will also be at least one meat or fish dish, such as spaghetti carbonara or baked lamb or grilled sea bream. Dinners are an even more lavish version of the lunch menus with multiple shared starters and a meat or sea-food main course. All food is locally sourced, locally inspired and generally organic.

For 6 of the 8 nights the accommodation is in hotels of a very good standard offering twin-share rooms with en-suite facilities. At Farma Sotira on Day 4 the group will stay in individual cabins which each have 2 rooms, one double room and one twin-share. There is a single shower room and toilet in each of the cabins. At Benje on Day 5, the family-run guesthouse we use offers twin-share rooms with en-suite facilities. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired up with another single client of the same sex. Depending on availability, it may be possible to pre-book single room occupancy throughout the holiday.

The trip will be led by an experienced, English-speaking local cycling guide. In addition, there will be a full-time support vehicle and driver. There will be a specialist historical guide for the tour at Butrint.

This holiday does not involve any significant ascent to altitude and we would not expect any altitude issues with this trip.

Approximately €150 should be allowed for miscellaneous expenses including your bar bills and reasonable tips to the support crew. If you intend to buy expensive souvenirs, you should budget accordingly. Albania's unit of currency is the Lek. ATM machines are available at Tirana Airport and in the larger towns. Credit cards can be used to purchase goods and services in some shops, hotels and restaurants in Albania. The local guide will set up a kitty (around €30 per person) which he will use to pay for the morning coffee stops, for snacks from the support vehicle (bananas, chocolate etc) and for drinks with meals at lunch and dinner.

Tips do not form part of the wages of local staff but they are appreciated. It is important to remember that tipping is voluntary and should be dependent on good service. It is best if the tip is given at the end of the trip by the group as a whole. A reasonable level of tipping would be €40 per person, to be split between the group’s guide and driver.

Bikes are provided locally within the cost of the holiday. Our agent in Albania provides Giant Roam 'hybrid' type bikes with Shimano components, triple chainsets, 63mm Suntour front suspension and hydraulic disc brakes. For women, there is a very similar model of bike, the Liv Rove, also manufactured by Giant. The bikes are fitted with a rack and a pannier will also be provided for those who want one. The bikes come in a full range of sizes, they are well maintained and in good condition. They are fitted with flat pedals and fast-rolling Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres. You can take your own pedals and even your seat if you wish. These will be fitted for you. Please provide us with your height when you book, so we can make sure you get a bike of the appropriate size.

E-bikes. The local agent also has Giant Explore E-bikes and if you would like to ride one of these pedal-assisted bikes there will be an additional charge of £155. If you choose to ride an e-bike, you will pay the additional cost with your final balance.

A support vehicle with a purpose-made trailer for the bikes will accompany the group throughout the trip. A separate transfer bus (or multiple taxis, as appropriate) will be brought in where a group transfer is called for. The cycling guide will usually ride at the head of the group and the support vehicle will bring up the rear. There will be regular stops, every 10 kilometres or so, to allow the group to reassemble. We want everyone to enjoy their cycling experience on this trip and it’s important that group members can cycle at their own pace. The support vehicle can pick up group members who wish to take a break from cycling at any time. Water, fruit, chocoate and biscuits are provided from the support vehicle. If there are particular energy bars or gels that you rely on at home, consider taking a small supply.

We recommend that you travel with one main item of luggage, such as a holdall or wheelie-bag, as well as a small day pack which can be used to carry valuable items such as cameras and GPS devices whilst travelling. Whilst cycling you can carry a small cycle-specific day-pack or you can fit a pannier (provided) to the bike and put your stuff in that.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in the ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.

The unit of currency in Albania is the Lek.

The better shape you are in, the more you will enjoy your holiday. You should adopt a sensible weekly exercise regime and fit in a number of long cycle rides in hilly country ahead of the trip. As well as cycling, running and swimming are also good for developing aerobic fitness and stamina.

Albania has a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters (in the highlands, snow can fall from November until March). We run this cycling holiday in May, in late September and in early October, either side of the too-hot summer months. The daytime maximum temperatures we are likely to encounter at these times will be in the low to mid 20’s centigrade, falling at night to between 12 and 15 degrees centigrade. At Korce (850m), our highest overnight stop, it will be 2 or 3 degrees cooler than this. May and September are relatively dry months with slightly more chance of rain as you move into October.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that before travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates directly from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • Albania (Bradt Travel Guide) - Gillian Gloyer
  • Western Balkans - Lonely Planet
  • The Albanians: A Modern History - Miranda Vickers

Albania Road Map. Freytag and Berndt. 1:400,000

Road map of the entire country of Albania.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

For this holiday you will need normal cycling clothing, including suitable shoes, cycling gloves and a helmet (which you must wear at all times when on the bike).

Bike Gear

  • Cycling helmet

  • Cycling shoes or trainers

  • Water bottle or small hydration pack

  • Padded cycling shorts

  • Long leg cycling trousers or leg warmers

  • Base-layer – short sleeve cycling tops

  • Mid-layer - long sleeved cycling tops

  • Lightweight windproof/waterproof jacket

  • Light fleece jacket or jumper (for evenings)

  • Regular biking gloves

  • Buff

  • Sunglasses

  • Sun cream (inc. total bloc for lips/nose)

  • Camera

Other Stuff

  • Travel and off-the-bike clothing and footwear

  • Wash bag, towel, toiletries, including anti-bacterial handwash

  • Swimwear

  • Basic First Aid kit and personal medication

Spares and Repairs

You do not need to take any tools or spares. The local guide will take care of any and all issues. Please contact us if you have any questions about your equipment.

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
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5 out of 5 from 5 reviews

Everything was as advertised. Very well organised ★★★★★

Although I have been cycling for many years, this was my first guided tour. It won't be my last! KE Adventure's organisation ensured a flawless week's cycling in the most beautiful country with incredibly friendly locals.

Mateo was the perfect guide/leader. Nothing was too much trouble. His breadth of knowledge was second to none. His talks about Albania's history were eagerly anticipated by the group and intently followed by all. Mateo attended to every need
of the group with great humour, care and consideration. He was ably assisted by Bedri who completed the dream team! Bedri constantly ensured we all had sufficient water, snacks and well tuned bikes. Always with good humour and humility.

Highlights - There were so many; Korce, Butrint, the meals, the raki distillery! The great new friends I have made!
By Paul from Stowmarket | 21 May 2024

A superb experience ★★★★★

This bike trek combines a week of challenging daily rides (average of 60+ km per day), spectacular views of Southern Albania (a mix of mountains, rolling pastureland and visits to exquisite cultural venues that include a millennial old monastery, orthodox churches and mosques and the historic cities of Korce, Djirokaster and Sarande as well the Greco-Roman ruin of Butrint.

Albania is an amazing and (still) unspoiled venue for the intrepid traveler. Probably the best part of the t
rip entailed sharing the experience with 14 other likeminded travelers and two supremely capable guides. Mateo, the lead guide, was brilliant. He set out a daily bike regime that was both realistic and challenging in both pace and scope. He always attended to our daily needs and proved to be an excellent communicator and amazing subject matter expert of Albanian history, geography and culture. A real jewel!

The food and lodgings were exceptional. Food was local fare and delicious and there was plenty of it. The lodgings (a mix of cabin, guesthouse and hotels) were all clean, well served and comfortable. Overall a superb experience.
By Mike from Staunton | 11 May 2024

Excellent support ★★★★★

Excellent support from all staff at KE in Keswick. Excellent support from Niku and Vanny (support vehicle driver etc). Nothing was too much trouble and Niku and Vanny were expert in their knowledge of routes, local history, all the way to providing medical attention for minor accidents. Super job.

By David from Cheadle | 26 May 2023

Great Organisation and Stunning Scenery ★★★★★

As my first cycling holiday, this Albanian trip was a great experience. Fabulous mountain ranges, some challenging climbs on roads with not much traffic were highlights for me along with the food which tasted great and lots of it. Accommodation was to a high standard and the guide and driver / mechanic were very knowledgeable and put a huge effort into making sure the group had a great holiday.

By Robert from Omagh | 02 June 2019


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By Robert from Omagh | 02 June 2019

Traveller Reviews
5 out of 5 from 7 reviews

Everything was as advertised. Very well organised
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although I have been cycling for many years, this was my first guided tour. It won't be my last! KE Adventure's organisation ensured a flawless week's cycling in the most beautiful country with incredibly friendly locals.

Mateo was the perfect guide/leader. Nothing was too much trouble. His breadth of knowledge was second to none. His talks about Albania's history were eagerly anticipated by the group and intently followed by all. Mateo attended to every need
of the group with great humour, care and consideration. He was ably assisted by Bedri who completed the dream team! Bedri constantly ensured we all had sufficient water, snacks and well tuned bikes. Always with good humour and humility.

Highlights - There were so many; Korce, Butrint, the meals, the raki distillery! The great new friends I have made!
By Paul from Stowmarket | 21 May 2024

A superb experience
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This bike trek combines a week of challenging daily rides (average of 60+ km per day), spectacular views of Southern Albania (a mix of mountains, rolling pastureland and visits to exquisite cultural venues that include a millennial old monastery, orthodox churches and mosques and the historic cities of Korce, Djirokaster and Sarande as well the Greco-Roman ruin of Butrint.

Albania is an amazing and (still) unspoiled venue for the intrepid traveler. Probably the best part of the t
rip entailed sharing the experience with 14 other likeminded travelers and two supremely capable guides. Mateo, the lead guide, was brilliant. He set out a daily bike regime that was both realistic and challenging in both pace and scope. He always attended to our daily needs and proved to be an excellent communicator and amazing subject matter expert of Albanian history, geography and culture. A real jewel!

The food and lodgings were exceptional. Food was local fare and delicious and there was plenty of it. The lodgings (a mix of cabin, guesthouse and hotels) were all clean, well served and comfortable. Overall a superb experience.
By Mike from Staunton | 11 May 2024

Excellent support
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excellent support from all staff at KE in Keswick. Excellent support from Niku and Vanny (support vehicle driver etc). Nothing was too much trouble and Niku and Vanny were expert in their knowledge of routes, local history, all the way to providing medical attention for minor accidents. Super job.

By David from Cheadle | 26 May 2023

Great Organisation and Stunning Scenery
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As my first cycling holiday, this Albanian trip was a great experience. Fabulous mountain ranges, some challenging climbs on roads with not much traffic were highlights for me along with the food which tasted great and lots of it. Accommodation was to a high standard and the guide and driver / mechanic were very knowledgeable and put a huge effort into making sure the group had a great holiday.

By Robert from Omagh | 02 June 2019


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By Robert from Omagh | 02 June 2019

Wonderful holiday, roads are very cycle friendly
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first cycling holiday, and I really enjoyed it. The motorists in Albania are very considerate to cyclists and the roads are very quiet, so I felt very safe. The distances are easily achievable although some of the hills are quite big, the group spread out according to each individuals speed - which I really liked as I didn't feel any pressure to 'keep up' (I was in the middle of the group) and re-grouped at junctions and for tea breaks and lunch. The bikes were good an d suitable for the terrain. The tour is mostly in rural areas with a few small towns and a minibus for getting out of / into Tirana which would be a busy section to cycle. The accommodation was all very good and the beds comfortable. The food was excellent, I'm a Coeliac and was catered for very well - at most meals we had shared plates and I often had an extra 'main meal' to myself if too many of the shared dishes contained gluten. The guide and mechanic/driver were excellent, really friendly and knowledgeable. The only thing I would change given there are so few flights into Tirana would be to pre-organise taxi's for people when they arrive, on our tour there were two groups of three arriving from London and Manchester (i.e. 3 on each flight) - which could easily have been 2 taxi's - but because we didn't know each other ended up being 4 (but maybe that's good for the Albanian economy)
By Susan from Bracknell | 29 May 2019

Albania May 2019

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By Susan from Bracknell | 29 May 2019


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More Information

  • Ultimate Albania Cycling Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: ALMB/01/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 10 May and ends on Sun 18 May
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$380 - All 8 hotel nights.
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Ultimate Albania Cycling Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: ALMB/02/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 13 Sep and ends on Sun 21 Sep
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$380 - All 8 hotel nights.
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Ultimate Albania Cycling Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: ALMB/03/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 4 Oct and ends on Sun 12 Oct
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$380 - All 8 hotel nights.
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary starting at the hotel in Tirana. Transfers from Tirana Airport are not provided on arrival (Day 1 of the itinerary) but a single transfer to Tirana Airport on the final day of the holiday is provided. Ideally you should choose flights which enable you to reach the hotel in Tirana by late afternoon on Day 1.

There are a number of low cost carriers offering direct flights to and from Tirana. If you would like to take advantage of these schedules please check the timings of the departure transfer on Day 9 with the office team.


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