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Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia

5 reviews
Available Departures: Jun, Oct

14 days from


without flights
Walk & Trek
Guided Group

Truly one of our most diverse holidays exploring jaw-dropping landscapes of wild Bolivia

Trip Code: BSP
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia

  • Discover Lake Titicaca and walk the spine of the Isla del Sol
  • Acclimatisation hike through the meadows of the Cordillera Kari Kari
  • Geysers, hot springs, flamingoes and the amazing Salar de Uyuni
  • Stunning walks to Tunupa & Condoriri Craters
  • Two nights in a comfortable salt hotel on the famous salt flats

At a Glance
  • Group Size 4 to 14
  • 5 days walking
  • Max. altitude - 5000 metres
  • Join In La Paz

Accommodation & Meals
  • 14 Breakfasts
  • 7 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • 10 nights Hotel
  • 1 nights Ecolodge
  • 1 nights Lodge
  • 1 nights Hostel

This breathtaking Bolivian adventure explores the unique and bizarre landscapes of western Bolivia, from Lake Titicaca all the way to the the vast white salt flats of the Salar de Uyuni; one of the highest and driest environments on earth. We'll spend a couple of days on and around Latin America's greatest and most famous lake, Titicaca, before flying south to Sucre and the silver-mining town of Potosi. After an excellent acclimatisation hike in the Cordillera Kari Kari, we travel on to Uyuni, with its atmospheric ‘train graveyard'. Crossing the edge of the salt flats to reach the foot of Volcan Tunupa, where we hike to the crater of this unusual multi-coloured mountain. Continuing our journey to the Sajama National Park, we see rustic churches, giant cacti, grazing vicunas, flocks of flamingoes and many other unusual Andean birds on a number of remote lagoons.

Then, from Sajama Village,we hike up to the Condoriri Craters, site of two high altitude lagoons and more stunning and unique environements. Before descending down to the hot springs for a chance to relax towards the end of our travels. Finally, we return to La Paz where we explore this fascinating city as way of rounding off this action packed 2 week holiday.

Is this holiday for you?

This is principally a journey of exploration of Salar de Uyuni and the Sajama National Park; we'll enjoy some fantastic trekking along the way. We've allowed some time to acclimatise to the high altitudes in La Paz and on Lake Titicaca, before we travel south to the amazing Salar de Uyuni via the towns of Sucre and Potosi. An acclimatisation hike in the Cordillera Kari Kari sets us up for our j …

This is principally a journey of exploration of Salar de Uyuni and the Sajama National Park; we'll enjoy some fantastic trekking along the way. We've allowed some time to acclimatise to the high altitudes in La Paz and on Lake Titicaca, before we travel south to the amazing Salar de Uyuni via the towns of Sucre and Potosi. An acclimatisation hike in the Cordillera Kari Kari sets us up for our journey across the salt flats, ahead of our longer trekking days to Tunupa Crater (4250m) and the Condoriri Craters (5000m). Although none of these days are overly long, and can be backed out of, these days will be quite demanding because of thier altitudes (above 4000m). Because of the vastness of the landscape there will inevitably be some longish days of driving during the holiday.


Why KE?

Our Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia walking holiday is the trip for those looking to explore and discover the incredible geography and culture of this enigmatic, landlocked country. Our unique itinerary features acclimatisation on the islands of Lake Titicaca, a visit to the 'White City' of Sucre, exploring the city of Potosi, and traversing the surreal and stunning landscape of the salt flats, as well as spectacular hikes up to incredible viewpoints above the Salar.



Meet at the group hotel in La Paz. Transfers from the airport to the group hotel are provided. La Paz's El Alto Airport is the highest international airport in the world, at an altitude of 4058 metres and it's a relief to be able to descend into the great bowl of the city to the group hotel. KE Land Only package services (for those arriving on early morning flights) begin with breakfast at the hotel and a briefing from the local guide. Most people will then want to sleep until lunch time and take it easy for the rest of the day. La Paz is a remarkable city, with its steep, narrow streets radiating upwards from the main thoroughfare of the Prado. There are lots of plazas and markets and a number of museums and grand cathedrals. La Paz is located in a temperate green valley at around 3650 metres and has a long summer season from April to October during which period it is normal to walk the streets in a t-shirt.





In the morning, we will drive to Copacabana (3850m) on the shores of Lake Titicaca, stopping off en route to visit the museum of Paulino Esteban, the Bolivian Indian who built Thor Heyerdal's reed boat Ra II (which successfully crossed the Atlantic). Here, we can see how such boats are still made using the totora reed, endemic to the Andes. Copocabana is a beautiful town and a popular resort and pilgrimage area, with lots to see and several nearby hills, which offer commanding views over the lake and towards the Cordillera Real. Meeting our motor boat at midday, we have a 1-hour journey across to Pilkokaina, at the extreme southern end of Sun Island (Isla del Sol). Arriving on the island, we have lunch at a typical restaurant with great views and visit the Inca temple of Pilkokaina and then walk (1hr) to our overnight accommodation at an ecolodge. After checking in we have a little time to relax before taking a short walk up to the highest point of the island (4080m) to watch the colourful sunset over the lake. We return to the ecolodge for dinner and overnight. Drive Time: 4hrs.






1 hour walking

From our accommodation, we start the morning with an hour’s walk to the Inca’s Garden, an idyllic, florid spot which features an Inca spring, considered by the locals as a fountain of youth. We board our boat and visit the manmade islands of the Uros in Bahia Blanca bay. These indigenous people managed to protect themselves from invaders, such as the Incas by isolating themselves on the waters of the Titicaca by means of building floating islands, made of reeds. Amazingly, they were even able to cultivate crops on these islands and live permanently on them. We will have the opportunity to fish for fresh trout for our lunch. We sail back to Copacabana and spend some time exploring the local markets. We may even be there for one of the more unusual church ceremonies, where drivers bring their vehicles to be blessed by the Franciscan priest. Return to La Paz.






1 hour walking

This morning we return to the airport to take the short flight southwards to the city of Sucre (2700m). Here, we will start out with a visit to the Recoleta viewpoint, for a fantastic panorama across the city. We will also go to the Museum Azur, where we can see some of Bolivia's colourful textiles, created by the Jalqa and Tarabuco cultures. Then, we will walk down into the main square (Plaza 25 Mayo) and find a restaurant for lunch. After lunch, we check into our hotel before and have the afternoon free to explore the 'White City'.





After Breakfast we set off on a 3 hour drive through picturesque farmland to the high-altitude city of Potosi. On our way there is opportunity to stop at the Betanzos Hills for photos. We arrive around midday and after checking in to our hotel we visit one of South America's finest museums - The National Mint ('Casa Nacional de la Moneda'). The UNESCO listed mint explores the fascinating history of what was once the world's richest city and the Spanish Empire's exploitation and exporting of its main resource, silver. The rest of the afternoon is free to explore the city's main square and shopping streets ahead of our walk tomorrow.





To set us up for our travel across the Salar de Uyuni, it is important that we are well acclimatised. So, today after breakfast, we make the short drive into the Cordillera Kari Kari which lies just west of the city. On the way, we can look across to Cerro Rico, the peak that rises above the city and which was once reputed to be 'made of silver'. Certainly, during Spanish Colonial times, the mountain was a major source of silver, which was transported back to Spain. Arriving at the roadhead in the Kari Kari, we enjoy a good day's hike into an area of high valleys and 5000m granite peaks. Our walk takes us through picturesque valleys with alpine lakes, flower-filled meadows and grazing llamas. Returning to Potosi in the mid/late afternoon, we have time to relax or to enjoy some sightseeing in the old part of the city, including a visit to the Archaeological Museum and an Indian market (Mercado Central). We spend a second night in Potosi.





After breakfast we drive to Uyuni, our launching post for exploring the world famous ' Salar de Uyuni' salt flats. The drive is 4 hours and again we make several stops for short hikes and photo opportunities including the 'Forest of Cactus' and 'Porco Canyons'. We overnight in this small town perched on the edge of the salt flat.





Today we first visit the 'Train Cemetery' on the outskirts of Uyuni, home to dozens of Bolivia's disused trains slowing being eroded by the saline conditions. Adorned with graffiti from past travellers it makes for a surreal place to visit and memorable photographs. From Uyuni it takes just 20 minutes to reach Colchani and the start of the salt flats proper. From here, we continue in 4 wheel drive vehicles for around 1 hour across the trackless salar to reach the 'island' of Incahuasi, which sticks out abruptly from the sea of salt. Formed from volcanic rock it is home to huge an anciet cactus, some of which are over 900 yearls old. These islands (there are several dotted across the Salar de Uyuni) provide an amazing sight. Driving on for another hour we reach the banks of the salt flats to stop at the Chantain Museum and discover the prehistory of the local people and natural history of the region. We also make stops at salt lagoons offering mesmerising reflections and shots of incredible perspective. Finally we arrive at the village of Tahua where we will spend the night at one of the salt hotels. After tea we reutn to the salt flats for an impressive sunset.






1 hour walking

This morning we drive to the base of the jagged volcano Tunupa. With its exlpoded crater and multi-coloured volcanic rocks, of red, grey and yellow, this is an amazing sight. We drive up to around 4050m before starting our hike along the hillside, reaching an impressive viewpoint known as Mirador Chatahuana at 4250m. It will take us 1 hour to reach this point, where the views extend across the impressive crater on one side and the expansive salt flats on the other. We descend back to our vehicle and visit the 'cave of the millenarian mummies'. We return to Coquesa for a picnic lunch before continuing for 2 hours drive to the village of Garci Mendoza to overnight in a rustic lodge.






200 M


200 M


2 - 3hrs walking

We now start to leave behind the arid salt plains and volcanic wilderness of the 'salars'. It will be a long day but full of interesting highlights. Heading north we reach the impressive dunes of Challa Kota and walk down to the central point of a huge, meteor created, crater. We continue up the eastern side of the Coipasa salt flat using a well maintained dust road to arrive after 3 hours in Sabaya Village. From Sabaya it will take us around 4 hours to traverse areas of sand dune and salty flats, with many grazing llamas and alpacas. We also see lots of abandoned, pre-Hispanic (1000 year-old) graves, evidence of an early civilisation, complete with ancient walls and shards of pottery. A highlight of today's journey, is our stop at a salty 'laguna' within sight of Sajama (6542m), Bolivia's highest peak. The Sajama National Park is a special place where the red desert combines with the huge snowy mountains. As we hike around the blue lagoon we can see many species of birds, including Andean coots and flamingoes, before hopping back into our vehicles for the final 30-minute drive to the village of Sajama, where we check in at our hostal accommodation. From here, too, we have good views of the perfect volcanic cone Sajama. The village's picturesque, white-painted church tower makes a great bit of 'foreground interest' for our photos of these mountains.






1 hour walking

After breakfast, we leave the village of Sajama and make the short drive (30 min.) to the Kasiri Valley, stopping en route to view the geysers of Juntuma. Here we'll enjoy a two hour hike to the Kasiri Lagoon (4800m), with the likelihood of meeting lots of vicunas on the way. After this we will embark on another 2 hour walk, taking in spectacular views as we ascend to one of the craters of Condoriri Mountain to visit the Lake Chairkota at 5000m. This is considered one of the most magical areas in this setting of mountain and desert. Finally we descend by sandy scree slope to arrive at the hot springs of Junchusuma for a very relaxing bath. On the drive back to our hotel in Sajama, we pass Wanakota Lagoon where we can view the incredible variety of birdlife. On the way back we will stop at the geysers of Sajama for a chance to take photos. We will be back in Sajama in time for lunch. In the early afternoon we continue our drive back to La Paz, breaking our journey with stops at the impressive canyons of "Ciudad de Piedra" and the church of Curawara de Carangas, known as the 'Sistine Chapel of the Andes'. Arriving in La Paz, we check in at the group hotel. Drive Time: 5 - 6hrs.






5-7 hours trekking

Our final morning in this Bolivian wilderness as we make our way back to la Paz. We drive for 6 hours, including a stop at the impressive canyons of Bolivia's 'Cuidad de Perdida' - The Lost City, where we will undertake a one hour hike through the landscape. We reach La Paz by late afternoon where we check in to our hotel.






1 hrs walking

This morning we walk from our hotel to ride the cable cars that fly over La Paz. With our local guide we visit the colonial stree Calle Jaen and the main square, Plaza Murillo. We then take a short transfer to the Vally of the Moon, known for its unique rock formations. We return to the hotel around midday and the afternoon is free to explore the rest of the city, buy last minute souviniers or relaxed after our Bolivian Adventure.





Your holiday ends after breakfast. Transfers to La Paz Airport are provided.


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Airport Airport
Point Point
Direction Direction

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • An experienced English-speaking local tour leader
  • La Paz Airport transfers (on group arrival and departure dates)
  • All transport involved in the itinerary
  • Entrance fees
  • Internal flight from La Paz to Sucre
  • All accommodation as described
  • Meals as described in the Meal Plan

  • Travel insurance
  • Bolivian airport departure tax (if applicable)
  • La Paz Airport transfers other than on group arrival and departure days
  • Some meals as described in the Meal Plan
  • Tips for staff
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc.

The group will meet at the hotel in La Paz.

Airport transfers are provided on the first and last day.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your confirmation of booking.

All breakfasts, 7 lunches and 4 dinners are included in the trip price. Where there is a wide range of dining options available it makes sense to leave this choice to you and we have not included meals other than breakfasts while in La Paz, Sucre, Potosi and Uyuni. All other meals are included. Clients will be expected to pay for their own meals (other than breakfast) whilst in these cities. For non included meals you can typically expect to pay US$15 to US$25 per meal including wine.

It is not recommended to drink untreated water from the taps. If you are on a trekking or cycling holiday, water is supplied to fill up your individual bottles. This will be boiled, filtered or provided in large jerry cans or 5 litre bottles. Additionally you should take purification tablets or a filter bottle (such as a Water-To-Go bottle) to treat your water when in towns or where water is not supplied. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

The cuisine of Bolivia is a mix of spanish cuisine and traditional Aymara fare, reliant on indigenous ingredients like corn, potatos and beans.  We can expect a diverse and tasty experience. For most of this holiday we take our meals in hotel restaurants and other eateries. In La Paz, Sucre, Potosi and Uyuni, where there is a wide range of restaurants cafes and bars serving excellent and varied cuisine, you will pay directly for these meals. In other towns and villages, we will usually enjoy a tasty, set 3-course meal provided by the hotel or lodge where we are staying. Traditional, hearty meals, with a soup starter and a meat or vegetarian main course can be expected. Breakfast includes fresh fruit, pancakes or omelette with plenty of toast and home-made jam. On some days we will enjoy a packed lunch, usually consisting of fruit, salad, bread, cheeses, cold meats and plenty to drink.

During this trip the group will spend 4 nights at a comfortable hotel in La Paz, 1 night at an ecolodge on the Isla del Sol, 2 nights at comfortable hotels in Sucre and Potosi, 1 night at a small hotel in Uyuni, 2 nights in a lodge in Tahua, 1 night in a simple gite/hostel in Sabaya and 1 nights in a more basic gite/hostel in Sajama Village. On the nights we stay in the simple hostels in Sabaya and Sajama, you may find your sleeping bag useful to supplement the bedding provided. At Sabaya and Sajama whilst the accommodation is basic, this is the best that is available in these remote areas. The unique experience of staying in these locations, will more than make up for any discomfort. With the exception of the lodge at Tahua and the hostel at Sabaya which have shared bathrooms, all accommodation has en-suite toilet facilities. All accommodation is based on twin sharing and if you are travelling by yourself you will be paired up with other single clients of the same sex. Subject to availabilty It is possible to arrange single rooms for most of the hotel/lodge/hostel nights. Additional hotel nights in La Paz are also available.

The group will be accompanied throughout by an experienced, English-speaking local leader. There will also be one or more support vehicles and drivers.

This holiday involves going to very high altitude. During the course of your trip you will be spending at least one night above 4000 metres and/or trekking to 5000 metres or above. This is not something that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but it is important that we follow some simple rules in order to acclimatise successfully. Before coming on this holiday you should read the advice on trekking at high altitude. Unless you have previous experience of trekking above 4000 metres you should consult one of our trekking experts before embarking on this holiday. On this trip we carry a portable altitude chamber (PAC-bag) and/or bottled oxygen for use in emergencies.

We estimate that US$350 will be sufficient to cover your personal spending including the above mentioned non-included meals. This amount should also cover tips for your guide, drivers and other local staff. You should allow approximately US$60 in total for these tips. N.B Lots of small denomination local currency is useful here. (Please note that tipping is not compulsory but it is the normal practice. Your trek leader will advise on how much and when to give these tips). It is not necessary to purchase local currency (Bolivianos) before you travel. Credit and debit cards can be used to obtain cash at ATMs in La Paz . If you are bringing your travel money with you, we recommend that you do this in the form of cash US dollars, as you will be changing the majority of your money on the day of your arrival. Note that travellers cheques can sometimes be difficult to exchange and normally have a poorer rate than cash. Credit cards can also be used to purchase some goods and at some restaurants in La Paz.

Tipping is normal in Bolivia. However, you must remember that it is voluntary and how much you give depends on how you feel about the service you have received. Airport baggage carriers are the only exception and tipping is compulsory. These people are unwaged and make a living by carrying your luggage. The general rule is 3 bolivianos (30p) per bag. For hotel staff, tipping is not expected, but is welcome. For hotel porters 3 bolivianos per bag carried is normal. Any drivers, specialist guides or tour conductors (i.e. on sightseeing tours) normally are tipped around 15 bolivianos per day. Please note that drivers of standard taxis do not usually expect a tip. As with most countries, it is usual to tip in restaurants and 10% is expected for good service. For the support crew on trek (guides, cooks, porters etc.), it is recommended that each client contributes around $60 to a group tipping pool.

Our holidays are normally designed with minimal 'down time' at the start of the trip, but having a day or two at the beginning will have the additional benefit of allowing you time to get over the stress of a long journey or travelling across time zones, leaving you refreshed and ready for your holiday. We can easily arrange for you to have additional nights and airport transfers.

For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage, which should be a soft bag such as the KE kit bag and a daypack. For international flights please check your baggage allowance with your airline.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in the ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.


You will require an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation), and you must get this before boarding any US-bound aircraft or ship, or entering on a land border. The fee is USD$21 and you should apply for it at With the ESTA complete, the majority of British Citizen passport holders can enter the US under the Visa Waiver Programme, VWP. You will be required to have a passport with an integrated chip. Note that if you have travelled to Cuba, Iran, Syria or North Korea since March 2011* you will have to apply for a visa rather than the Visa Waiver Programme (* a full and up to date list of countries can be found on the US government website here.)


All citizens (except for USA citizens) will require an eTA (Electronic Travel Authorisation), and you must get this before boarding any Canada-bound aircraft or ship, or entering on a land border. The fee is CAD$7 and you should apply for it at


Visa Bolivia

UK passport holders do not require a visa for short stays. USA passport holders do require a visa.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.

Dengue fever is a known risk in places visited. It is a tropical viral disease spread by daytime biting mosquitoes. There is currently no vaccine or prophylaxis available and therefore the best form of prevention is to avoid being bitten. We recommend you take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

Zika virus has been confirmed as active in this country. It is a tropical viral disease spread by daytime biting mosquitoes. There is currently no vaccine or prophylaxis available and therefore the best form of prevention is to avoid being bitten. We recommend you take the usual precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The mosquitoes that transmit ZIKV are unlikely to be found above 2,000m altitude. For more information, visit the website of the National Travel Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) at



You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid.

Malarial prophylaxis is not usually required for trips in the mountains, however if you are visiting rural and remote low lying areas then they might be necessary.

On holidays to more remote areas you should also have a dentist check up. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro.

The unit of currency in Bolivia is the Boliviano.

It makes a lot of sense to spend some time before coming on a trekking or climbing trip getting some additional exercise. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find the experience. For this trip you need to be aerobically fit and comfortable with walking for up to 8 or 9 hours on two of the days. Regular hillwalking is the best way to get fit for any trekking holiday, but you could also adopt a weekly exercise regime. Running and swimming are good for developing better stamina. Before departure, we suggest that you try to fit in a number of long walks in hilly country.

Bolivia’s dry and sunny winter season lasts from the end of April to October, and during this period the weather can be expected to be excellent for trekking and climbing. The days are relatively warm, up to a maximum of 20°C, although it can feel warmer than this in the strong sunlight. Night-time temperatures will drop to around freezing point above 3500 metres, whilst above 4500 metres the temperature can vary from 20 degrees centigrade to minus 20 degrees centigrade during a 24 hour period.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware’ campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that before travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates directly from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • Trekking and Climbing in the Andes. Val Pitkethly and Kate Harper.

  • Bolivia - Lonely Planet.

  • Bolivia – A Climbing Guide. Yossi Brain.

  • Bolivia - a Travel Survival Kit. Lightbody.

  • Eight Feet in the Andes. Dervla Murphy.

  • South American Handbook.

  • The Trekkers Handbook. Tom Gilchrist.

  • Latin America Spanish phrasebook - Lonely Planet.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

The following checklist should help you with your packing. As a general rule, you should always try to keep the weight of your equipment to a minimum.

You must bring the following items:

  • Hiking boots

  • Socks

  • Trekking trousers

  • Waterproof overtrousers

  • Underwear

  • Thermal baselayer - leggings

  • Thermal baselayer shirts (2 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve)

  • T-shirts

  • Fleece jacket or warm jumper

  • Waterproof jacket with hood

  • Warm jacket (down)

  • Sunhat

  • Warm hat

  • Sunglasses

  • Thermal gloves or mittens

  • Warm and waterproof gloves or mittens

  • Daypack minimum 30 litres

  • Headtorch and spare batteries

  • Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)

  • Water bottles 1 Litre x2 (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)

  • Water purification tablets
  • Washbag and toiletries

  • Antibacterial handwash

  • Travel Towel

  • Selection of dry bags 

  • Small padlock

  • Basic First Aid Kit. Including: antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, Insect repellent, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite).

The following items are optional:

  • Trainers or similar

  • Spare laces

  • Shorts

  • Sleeping bag liner

  • Swimwear

  • Travel clothes

  • Insect repellant – (DEET)

  • Camera

  • Pen-knife (remember to pack all sharp objects in hold baggage)

  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


Extension Details

Machu Picchu and Cusco Extension

4 Days

The ruins of Machu Picchu, rediscovered in 1911, after 500 years under dense vegetation, are one of the man-made wonders of the world. This itinerary also includes time for sightseeing in and around this former Inca capital of Cusco, which is renowned for the wealth of its Inca stonework and for its extravagant Spanish Colonial architecture. We then take the scenic train to Machu Picchu for a full day guided sightseeing tour of this incredible Inca city before returning to Cusco for a final evening.

Extension Code: MPCU
Sharing Price from
Single Traveller Price from
Single Room Supplement from
Deposit Per Person from

Extension Itinerary

Arrival and overnight in Cusco.

Morning sightseeing tour of Cusco and the main ruin sites. In the afternoon we'll drive to Urubamba in the Sacred Valley of Incas .



Take the tourist train to Aguas Calientes, your guide will be waiting for you on arrival at the station and you will then the bus up to visit Machu Picchu. You will complete one of the circuits around the site guided by a private tour guide. Mid to late afternoon return by train to Ollantaytambo and transfer by private vehicle to your hotel in Cusco.



Transfer to the airport.


Whats Included
  • English speaking guide
  • 2 nights hotel accommodation in a centrally located hotel in Cusco
  • 1 night hotel in Ollantaytambo
  • Meals specified in the itinerary
  • Guided sightseeing tours in Cusco the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu
  • All permits and entrance fees
  • transfers on arrival/departure from Cusco
  • All land transport required by the itinerary.
What's Not Included
  • Flights to/from Cusco
  • Tips to local staff
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses
  • Drinks
  • Souvenirs etc.
Extension Details

Galapagos Islands Cruise

7 Days

Situated over 600 miles from the mainland of South America, the remote archipelago of the Galapagos Islands needs little introduction. The Galapagos Islands are considered to the crown jewels of the natural world, achieving near mythological status following visits by Charles Darwin. It was on his second visit aboard HMS Beagle in 1835 that Darwin's scientific studies introduced the world to the theory of evolution. The islands teem with life, much of which seem totally unphased and perhaps curious of visitors. Of the thirteen major islands, on five have any form of human habitation. The environmental footprint is kept to an absolute minimum, allowing you, the visitor, a chance to explore the incredible biodiversity of these famous islands untouched by human development. Expect close encounters with blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, albatross, giant tortoises, seals, turtles and dinosaur-like lizards amongst many, many other examples.

Extension Code: GALP
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Extension Itinerary

Arrive in Quito any time.

We take an early flight to San Cristobal Island, stopping off for refuelling at Guayaquil. In the afternoon, we board our boat, the Monserrat, and visit Isla Lobos, to be greeted by sea lions frolicking in the waves. We will explore this island on foot and perhaps by panga to view the sea and shore birds nesting and feeding. There will be an opportunity to snorkel in the waters of Isla Lobos too.



We visit Cerro Brujo on San Cristobal Island. Here we can observe sea lions, marine iguanas and seabirds. In the afternoon we visit the giant tortoise breeding area in the highlands. Later we set sail for Bahia Gardner, a sheltered cove off Espanola Island.



Today we visit the magnificent, white sandy beach of Gardner Bay, home to colonies of sea lions and birds. There will be a chance to snorkel the turquoise waters and spot large schools of tropical fish, including yellow-tailed surgeonfish, king angelfish and bump-headed parrot fish. We may even be lucky enough to spot white-tipped reef sharks, napping on the bottom! We then visit Punta Suarez, one of the most wildlife-rich landing spots in the Galapagos. Here we can observe many nesting birds including the waved albatross.



Upon landing at Punta Cormorant and Floreana Island, we visit the amazing multi-coloured beaches. We observe flamingoes and other shore birds feeding in the lagoon. Penguins and marine iguanas can also be spotted on the water's edge. We then move on to Champion Islet where we have another chance to snorkel with sea lions and, if we're lucky, turtles and rays. Afterwards, we visit Post Office Bay where we learn all about its unique history. English whaling vessels placed a barrel here in the 18th centuary where it functioned as a rather unusual post office!



We disembark at Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island and visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. Here we can observe many species of tortoise and land iguanas at the Fausto Llerena Breeding Centre. We learn about the conservation work and scientific research that is undertaken on this remote archipelago. We than catch our flight back to the mainland, and Quito.



Depart anytime.


Whats Included
  • Return Internal flights from Quito to Baltra and associated airport transfers in the Galapagos Islands
  • Double or twin berth cabin on full board basis (according to itinerary)
  • Cruise on a Tourist Class boat (according to itinerary)
  • Galapagos guide
What's Not Included
  • Galapagos National Park entrance $100 per person ($200 from 1 Aug 2024) payable locally in cash

  • Transit control card $20 per person (must be paid locally in cash)

  • Tips of local staff

  • Miscellaneous expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc

Extension Details

Peru Rainforest Extension

4 Days

Visit Tambopata National Reserve, a haven of pristine Amazon wilderness where the river provides access to an uninhabited and vast 2.5 million acre area, home to the Amazon’s five top predators – Jaguar, Giant Otter, Black Caiman, Harpy Eagle and Anaconda. It is a short flight to Puerto Maldonado, and then a ride in a motorised canoe to our jungle lodge. Highlights are the macaw clay-lick, otters, monkeys and an array of colourful birds.

Extension Code: RAIN
Sharing Price from
Single Traveller Price from
Single Room Supplement from
Deposit Per Person from

Extension Itinerary

Arrive in Puerto Maldonado. We transfer by road, boat (on Tambopata River), and on foot (4-5 hrs in total) to your jungle lodge. To account for this, you should land into Puerto Maldonado no later than 1pm.



Wildlife Reserve. Jungle walks and river trips. Overnight at the jungle lodge.



Wildlife Reserve. Jungle walks and river trips. Overnight at the jungle lodge.



Transfer to Puerto Maldonado airport for return flight to Cusco or Lima. (Services end at Puerto Maldonado airport.)


Whats Included
  • Associated transfers
  • All transport required by the itinerary
  • 3 nights accommodation at a jungle lodge
  • Full programme of guided walks and activities
  • Meals as stated in the itinerary
What's Not Included
  • Internal fights
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses
  • Drinks
  • Souvenirs etc.


4.8 out of 5 from 5 reviews

Incredible Bolivia! ★★★★★

Fantastic trip every day providing jaw dropping landscapes & cultural experiences loved it so much will be going back to see more of this amazing country. KE have put together an excellent itinerary to enable altitude acclimatisation & the guide Juan was fabulous, one of the best have come across, with incredible knowledge of the geology, flora, fauna & culture of his country. The second week across Uyuni salt pans & then into Sajama National park for volcano trekking really wa s just an utterly mind blowing scenic experience and I can’t wait to explore more of the country on another trek.
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By Karen from England | 17 October 2024

An excellent way to bag a 6000m with a number of additional amazing experiences

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By Julie from Cochrane Park | 26 October 2019

An excellent way to bag a 6000m with a number of additional amazing experiences ★★★★★

This trip was very varied, well run and gave the opportunity to acclimatise very well for bagging a not too difficult 6000m peak, while travelling around and seeing/ walking around various sights of Bolivia. The landscape is amazing, very scenic for the whole trip , the salt flats and Incahuasi Island were an amazing and unique experience. Lake Titicaca and the Isla del Sol and Isla del Luna were great acclimatisation adventures, as was the Kiri Kiri pass (very nice walk) and Tunupa (though note you only get to the "red peak" a trekkers peak at 5,190m, this is not the summit, the true summit is a climbers peak much further along a very narrow ridge (climbing required and about 400m higher, you will not get anywhere near that). The climb is still worth it though for the view and its an interesting ridge ascent in parts. There is a lot of travelling in the trip, but it is well worth it as the scenery is amazing. There are lots of llamas, alpacas, guanacos, flamingoes,and 44 bird types in total identified by one of our travellers. The whole trip was well run with accommodation generally very good (no camping at all, an unusual concept for me, only 1 night was very basic), food was excellent and it wasn't anywhere as near as cold at night as it was advertised to be in places. Only needed a lightline sleeping bag 1 night. All in all an excellent trip, and from my point of view I got to 6,000m which was my objective for the year while having a really great holiday.
By Julie from Cochrane Park | 25 October 2019

Breathless in Bolivia

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By Ross from Preston | 25 October 2019

June 2018 trip

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By Kenneth from Golden | 04 August 2018

Traveller Reviews
4.8 out of 5 from 11 reviews

Incredible Bolivia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic trip every day providing jaw dropping landscapes & cultural experiences loved it so much will be going back to see more of this amazing country. KE have put together an excellent itinerary to enable altitude acclimatisation & the guide Juan was fabulous, one of the best have come across, with incredible knowledge of the geology, flora, fauna & culture of his country. The second week across Uyuni salt pans & then into Sajama National park for volcano trekking really wa s just an utterly mind blowing scenic experience and I can’t wait to explore more of the country on another trek.
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By Karen from England | 17 October 2024

An excellent way to bag a 6000m with a number of additional amazing experiences

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By Julie from Cochrane Park | 26 October 2019

An excellent way to bag a 6000m with a number of additional amazing experiences
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This trip was very varied, well run and gave the opportunity to acclimatise very well for bagging a not too difficult 6000m peak, while travelling around and seeing/ walking around various sights of Bolivia. The landscape is amazing, very scenic for the whole trip , the salt flats and Incahuasi Island were an amazing and unique experience. Lake Titicaca and the Isla del Sol and Isla del Luna were great acclimatisation adventures, as was the Kiri Kiri pass (very nice walk) and Tunupa (though note you only get to the "red peak" a trekkers peak at 5,190m, this is not the summit, the true summit is a climbers peak much further along a very narrow ridge (climbing required and about 400m higher, you will not get anywhere near that). The climb is still worth it though for the view and its an interesting ridge ascent in parts. There is a lot of travelling in the trip, but it is well worth it as the scenery is amazing. There are lots of llamas, alpacas, guanacos, flamingoes,and 44 bird types in total identified by one of our travellers. The whole trip was well run with accommodation generally very good (no camping at all, an unusual concept for me, only 1 night was very basic), food was excellent and it wasn't anywhere as near as cold at night as it was advertised to be in places. Only needed a lightline sleeping bag 1 night. All in all an excellent trip, and from my point of view I got to 6,000m which was my objective for the year while having a really great holiday.
By Julie from Cochrane Park | 25 October 2019

Breathless in Bolivia

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By Ross from Preston | 25 October 2019

June 2018 trip

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By Kenneth from Golden | 04 August 2018

June 2018 trip

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By Kenneth from Golden | 04 August 2018

A brilliantly varied and interesting trip.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

An amazing trip full of new experiences. The Salt Flats were incredible - a highlight of the trip for me. My attempt at Acotango was also a highlight - walking in the crisp snow and seeing the sunrise over the superb view without being totally breathless left me on high, emotionally if not physically. Be prepared for a long flight, very cold nights and an unforgettable two weeks!

By Anne from Caernarfon | 10 July 2017

Breathless in Bolivia!
★ ★ ★ ★
Fascinating country. One of the least tourist orientated I have been to. A lot of poverty. Go prepared to speach Spanish. Tunupa, Salar del Uyuni & around is beautiful especially at sunset. Hope for a moonless sky to seek the stars at Salar del Uyuni. The town of Uyuni is like something from the wild west, would recommend the local grills for supper. The 'hotel huts' at Sajama are very cold at night, beware of the owner of Sajama hotel who tends to overcharge and is generally an ag gressive kind of grumpy. The air is very dry - take lots of moisturiser. The glaciers are in decline and we had no need (sadly) for our crampons. I would recommend the mines at Potosis, but perhaps not if you do not like pot holing in wellies!
This was my first time at altitude, it was a struggle to trek, despite months of training! I would trust Juan (the local organiser) with my life and Riccardo (our guide) was a joy with lots of knowledge of Bolivian history. Thanks to my fellow travels to supporting me on the treks.

By Joanne from London | 01 October 2016

A perfect combination of adventure, culture and companionship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This holiday far exceeded our expectations. The comprehensive itinerary ensured that every day was filled with opportunities to experience all that Bolivia has to offer along with demanding physical challenges (though our leader always made sure that every group member remained within their 'comfort zone'). The group dynamics were perfect and we became firm friends from the start of the trip, sharing many, many happy and humorous times. We have all exchanged e mails to enable us to sha re photographs and will endeavour to stay in touch. It is difficult to choose a highlight as there were so many but I guess ours was the sense of achievement in summiting Acotango. Our first 6000+ metre peak at 62 years of age! Not bad for pensioners!!!
By John from TRURO | 29 October 2015

BSP Gallery

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By Alan from UK | 25 September 2015

BSP Gallery

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By Richard from UK | 25 September 2015


Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



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More Information

  • Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BSP /01/25/
  • This trip begins on Sun 15 Jun and ends on Sat 28 Jun
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$475
  • Single Supplement Price: US$545 - Single accommodation throughout, with the exception of the basic hostal at Coquesa
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BSP /02/25/
  • This trip begins on Sun 5 Oct and ends on Sat 18 Oct
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$475
  • Single Supplement Price: US$545 - Single accommodation throughout, with the exception of the basic hostal at Coquesa
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary joining in La Paz. Transfers are provided from / to La Paz Airport.


BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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