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Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan

1 reviews
Available Departures: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep

13 days from


without flights
Walk & Trek
Guided Group

Trek through diverse landscapes and experience the cultural highlights of South-east Kazakhstan

Trip Code: MDK
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan

  • 2-day trek across the Assy Plateau in the footsteps of the Kazakh shepherds
  • Trek amongst the mountains of the northern Tien Shan in the Ile-Altau National Park
  • Discover the turquoise Kolsay Lakes and the multi-coloured Aktau Mountains
  • Visit the red rock Charyn Canyon and climb Kazakhstan’s famous ‘singing sand-dune’


At a Glance
  • Group Size 4 to 16
  • 6 days trekking
  • 6 days walking and sightseeing
  • Max altitude 3500m
  • Join In Almaty

Accommodation & Meals
  • All meals included
  • 5 nights Hotel
  • 3 nights Camping
  • 4 nights Guesthouse

On this exciting 2 week trekking holiday we’ll discover the south-eastern corner of Kazakhstan, through exploration of four of the region’s most wild, remote and diverse national parks. This itinerary is crammed full of distinct landscapes and contrasting cultural experiences, from the icy Tien Shan Mountains to the red stone Charyn Canyon, and from the bustling café culture of old-town Almaty  to the yurt dwelling nomads of the Assy plateau.  We begin in the Ile-Altau National Park, south of Almaty city. Here, we’ll trek across the Kok-Zhailau plateau and hike alongside the magnificent Bogdanovich Glacier, for sweeping views of the northern Tien Shan. Moving east we spend 2 days trekking on shepherd’s trails across the wild Assy Plateau;  we’ll pass scattered yurt camps belonging to nomadic Kazakh shepherds, busy tending their sheep and horses, and may even be invited to try some kumiss (fermented mare’s milk). There'll be some great wildlife spotting opportunities as we descend from the plateau through the wild flower filled meadows of the Zhenishke Valley. Next, we spend 2 days in the Kolsay Koldari National Park learning why its collection of alpine mountain lakes are known as the ‘Pearls of the Tien Shan’. Crossing into the desert regions we’ll explore the spectacular red rock formations of the Charyn Canyon. The grand finale of our Kazakh showcase will be a visit to the multi coloured Aktau Mountains and a chance to experience the mysterious ‘singing sand-dune’ of the Altyn-Emel National Park. With sightseeing in Almaty, a chance to see the magnificent ‘Golden Man’ and the opportunity to watch an exciting horseback display also on offer, this holiday will give you a real taste Central Asia.

Is this holiday for you?

This holiday will take you on a circular journey through 4 of Kazakhstan’s most wild and wonderful national parks, which we will explore through a mix of full trekking days, shorter walks, sightseeing and cultural experiences. On our trekking days you can expect to be hiking for on average 6-7hrs a day, with around 600-700m of ascent and descent, and we will also have a couple of days with short …

This holiday will take you on a circular journey through 4 of Kazakhstan’s most wild and wonderful national parks, which we will explore through a mix of full trekking days, shorter walks, sightseeing and cultural experiences. On our trekking days you can expect to be hiking for on average 6-7hrs a day, with around 600-700m of ascent and descent, and we will also have a couple of days with shorter walks of 2-4hrs. This is a holiday crammed with magnificent contrasting landscapes, and as such you will need be prepared for walking on a variety of terrain, from glacial moraine and coniferous forest paths to grassy plateaus and sweeping sand dunes. Accommodation will be a mix of comfortable hotels and more simple mountain lodges and guesthouses. There will also be 3 nights full service camping. Kazakhstan has vast, sweeping, expanses of wild countryside to explore, making it the perfect adventure travel destination. Tourism is very much still in its infancy here, making this a perfect time to visit, but this does mean that the tourist infrastucture is still limited. Unexpected changes are possible and it is important that you bring along your spirit of adventure.

Why KE?

Did you know that Kazakhstan translates as 'Land of the Wanderers'? At KE we firmly believe that one of the best ways to experience a country is through wandering its trails, and we are the only UK operator offering a trekking and walking holiday in this wild and wonderful corner of Central Asia. We can't wait to introduce you to the abundant array of landscapes on offer in this part of Kazakhstan!



Meet at the group hotel in Almaty. A single timed transfer is provided from Almaty Airport to the group hotel the drive will take around 30mins. Your holiday begins with breakfast at the hotel. We then have some time to rest before lunch. In the afternoon there'll be a 3-hour guided sightseeing tour of Almaty. Almaty is a lively and colourful Soviet-built city with wide tree-lined streets and a cosmopolitan atmosphere. You will hear more Russian than Kazakh spoken here. We will visit the National Museum, giving a fantastic overview of Kazakhstan's history, the central mosque and market and then Pantfilov Park, which is dedicated to the WWII heroes, and the Cathedral. We end the tour with a dusk visit to Kok-Tobe or 'Green Hill' for fantastic views down over the evening lit city. Kok-Tobe (1100m) is the highest point of Almaty and is connected to the downtown district via cable car. We will take dinner at a restaurant overlooking the city, before returning to our hotel.





Our first day hike will take us up to the Kok Zhailau Plateau, which translates as 'sky blue summer pasture', crossing green slopes and through dense forest. We begin with a 1 hour transfer south to Almarasan Gorge. From here, we follow the Kazashka Valley and ascend to Green Pass (1560m). Crossing the pass we make our descent into Medeo Gorge, in the Ile-Alatau National Park, where our transport will be waiting to take us to the cable car that will transport us to our overnight accommodation at Shymbulak Mountain Resort (2300m).






700 M


600 M


6 - 7 hrs trekking


10 KM

Today's walk begins directly from our accommodation. We first follow the quiet mountain road along the valley until we reach a memorial to lost climbers, surrounded by natural, 250m high, bastions of rock that are popular with rock-climbers. From here, we continue ascending until we reach Tuyuk Su (3200m), an impressive glacial cirque framed by many 4000m plus peaks. We return the way we came and head back to our mountain resort accommodation for a second night.






900 M


900 M


6 - 7 hr trekking


7 KM

After breakfast, we head to the cable car station and take the 20 min cable car ride up towards the Talfarsky Pass (3128m). We will have a wonderful panoramic view of the mountains of the northern Tien Shan and their hanging glaciers. Peak Tshkalov and Peak Komsomola (4378m) line the glacier to the east, with Peak Shkolnik (3590m) and Peak Abay (4000m) to the west. From here we hike up through the rocky moraine towards the glacier and then alongside it towards the foot of the impressive Komsomola Peak. We will reach around 3500m before returning back down towards the cable car station. We take the cable car back down towards Shymbulak and then on to Medeu from where we drive for 45mins back to Almaty.






200 M


200 M


3 hrs trekking


5 KM

We begin today by driving east for around 3 hours to the Turgen Valley. En route we will stop to visit to reach Kazakh Ethno Aul village where we can watch some traditional Kazakh entertainment, including a demonstration of horseback games such as 'atpen audaryspak' (fight on horses) and 'Kyz Kuu' (pursuit of the girl). We'll also see a traditional Altybakan Swing and watch some national dances. Next, we visit the museum of the 'Golden Man'. Here we can see some of the artefacts excavated in 1969 from a burial mound near the town of Issyk. The person buried in this tomb is believed to have been a young Scythian (4th century BC) prince (or princess) dressed in a warrior's costume fashioned from 4000 pieces of gold. A further hour's drive will bring us close to Batan Village, where our camp crew awaits us. We'll camp tonight in the pine forest near the crystal clear Turgen River. We will take a late lunch in camp and in late afternoon those keen to stretch their legs can enjoy an optional 2-3hr return hike up into the valley.






2 - 3 hrs trekking


8 KM

Today we have a 1hr transfer by 4x4, which will take us up to the Assy Pass (2600m) and down across the green plateau beyond. On the plateau we will encounter many local Kazakh nomads, who will invite you to their yurtas for a cup of tea and (for the brave) fermented horse milk (kumis). We start today's trek from here and today we can home to enjoy sweeping panoramas of the Northern Tien Shan Range to the south-west. We climb from the plateau up and over the Kara Arsha Pass (3200m) in the Sary Tau Range and down into the verdant green valley of the Zhenishke River. Down in the valley there will be several small rivers to cross and we will want to have our water shoes to hand. Our 4x4s will meet us to take us the last distance into camp. Tonight we make camp near to the river (2670m).






600 M


1400 M


7 hrs trekking


19 KM

The peaceful Zhenishke Valley is a rich bed of flora and fauna and we should enjoy a day of wildlife and flower spotting as we trek out beside the Zhenishke River and in and out of the forest on an undulating track, there will also be several rivers to cross today. Mountain Goats, wild bear, wolves, foxes, hares, wild rams and badgers are all known to dwell here. Our 4x4 will be waiting to meet us at a farmhouse to drive us the last distance to camp. Our last camp is at around 1800m at an idyllic place amongst willow trees.






700 M


500 M


7 hrs trekking


17 KM

This morning we must say goodbye to our camp crew as we transfer out across to the north of the Tien Shan Mountains and the Kolsay Kolderi National Park, which is famous for its mountain lakes. On the way we will stop to visit Kaindy Lake (1818m), which is surrounded by alpine meadow and forests. The lake is reasonably new and there is also a forest submerged beneath its waters; it is recognisable by the distinctive, seemingly dry, spruce tree trunks that rise up atmospherically out of the lake. Our vehicles can only take us part of the way to the lake so we will walk the last 200m. The lake is a popular attraction for local tourists and if we are visiting on a weekend we are likely to be joining Kazakh families enjoying picnics beside the lake. Afterwards we transfer to Saty Village (1880m), next to Kolsay Lake, where we overnight in a guesthouse above lake. There are three Kolsay Lakes, ranging in altitude from 1818m up to 2850m above sea level, and they are known as the 'Pearls of the Northern Tien Shan'. Our vehicle cannot take us directly to the lodge, so we'll have to walk the last steep section to the guesthouse (our bags will be transported separately) so it is worth keeping walking poles on hand. From the guesthouse we will have a fantastic panoramic view.






235 M


235 M


2 hr walking


4 KM

Today we will explore two of the three, trout-filled, Kolsay Lakes. In the early morning we make the short descent from our guesthouse down towards the lowest of the lakes, known as Kolsay I (1818m). From here we will hike up through the pine forest for around 4hrs to reach the second Lake, Munzhylky (2252m). We have lunch at a peaceful spot beside the lake before descending back down the way we came. We spend a second night at our guesthouse accommodation.






680 M


680 M


7 hrs trekking


16 KM

This morning we begin with a 2 hour drive to reach the Charyn River National Park. We will spend some time exploring the canyon of the Charyn river, known as the 'Valley of the Castles' due to its imposing red pillars and rock formations. Returning to our vehicle, a further 3hrs drive will takes us to the Altyn Emel National Park. The drive will take us across the Ile River, the largest in Kazakhstan and we will also stop at a traditional Uygur Mosque in Shonzhy. Our overnight accommodation is at a guesthouse in Basshiy at the gate of the Altyn Emel National Park. Sandwiched between the Ili River and the Aktau Mountains, this 4600 square kilometre rock and desert reserve is home to many hundreds of rare plant and animal species. There is a nearby visitor centre and museum where we can get an insight into this UNESCO-listed park. In the evening we will head out to a local restaurant for dinner.





After an early breakfast we drive 1.5hr to one of the Altyn-Emel's greatest attractions, the Singing Sand Dune. Otherwise known as the Poyushchiy Barchan, this is a big dune; 3 kilometres long and 120 metres high. Wind blowing across the dune can cause the grains of sand to rub together and vibrate, producing a range of sounds. Arriving at the dune we have plenty of time to hike to the top for panoramic photos. Next we will visit a 700 year old willow tree, where according to the legend the warriors of Genghis Khan once made their camp. We will stop here to enjoy our picnic lunch before making the 1.5hr drive to the Aktau Mountains, a stunning moonlike landscape of multi-coloured hills. As we drive we might catch a distant glimpse of some of the region's wildlife, including the argali (a large and big-horned wild sheep) and the shy Persian gazelle. The Aktau Mountains are formed from bands of clay and sandstone, which create white, red, and orange stripes that run horizontally across the range. We climb up one of the hills where we will be able to take a great panoramic shot of this unique looking setting. Afterwards we return to our guesthouse in Basshiy for a second night.






250 M


250 M


3 hrs walking


8 KM

This morning we make the 4.5hr drive back to Almaty over Altyn Emel Pass (1470m), named the 'Golden Saddle' by Genghis Khan in 1219. Arriving in Almaty we check into our hotel and have the resto of the afternoon free to relax or explore the city at our own leisure. In the evening we will join together at a local restaurant to celebrate the end of our holiday with a celebratory dinner.





Your holiday ends after an early breakfast, there is a group transfer to Almaty Airport.


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The Route
Airport Airport
Point Point

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • A KE leader
  • A local guide and an English speaking interpreter
  • Single timed airport transfers on arrival and departure
  • All accommodation as described
  • When camping a full service including food and all equipment (excluding personal equipment)
  • All meals
  • All land transport required by the itinerary
  • All activities/excursions/entrance fees mentioned except where specified as 'optional'
  • National Park entrance fees

  • Travel insurance
  • Tips
  • Miscellaneous personal expenditure - drinks and souvenirs etc

The group will meet at the hotel in Almaty.

Single timed transfers are provided from / to Almaty Airport.

Anyone may join the group transfers by prior arrangement. Travelling as a group or on public transport saves energy. If this is not practical, we can provide private transfers at an additional cost. Taxis are also available.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking confirmation

All meals are included in the holiday price.

It is not recommended to drink untreated water from the taps. If you are on a trekking or cycling holiday, water is supplied to fill up your individual bottles. This will be boiled, filtered or provided in large jerry cans or 5 litre bottles. Additionally you should take purification tablets or a filter bottle (such as a Water-To-Go bottle) to treat your water when in towns or where water is not supplied. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

If you are looking to sample local cuisine during your holiday you can expect to eat a lot of meat (mutton and horse are the most common) and dairy products. Beshbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse meat or mutton, is perhaps the most popular Kazakh dish. The meat is boiled and served in a bowl with pasta and a meat broth. Soured milk is a common ingredient and ‘Kumis’ (fermented mare's milk), also known as 'milk champagne', is a popular beverage amongst the nomads. Do not worry if this is not for you, international drinks and dishes will also be available in local cafes and restaurants where we will dine.

The food served during the camping section will be a mixture of local and international dishes, with ingredients purchased locally and cooked for us by well-trained camp cooks. Please note that vegetarianism is not a concept widely understood in Central Asia and choices for vegetarians will be much more limited. If you are vegetarian please remember to inform us of your dietary requirements before you travel. You may also wish to bring along some snacks from home to use during the course of your walking days.

We will spend 3 nights at a comfortable, centrally located hotel in Almaty, 2 nights in a hotel in the Ile-Alatau National Park, and in Saty Village and Basshiy we will stay in simple guesthouses. All rooms are en suite.

There will also be a total of 3 nights camping. Whilst camping we use roomy 2-person tents and there is also a dining tent, a toilet tent and a camp shower.

All accommodation is allocated on a twin-sharing basis. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired up with another single client of the same sex.

If you are travelling by yourself, you will be paired up with another single client of the same sex. Single hotel rooms and/or single tents are available for a supplementary cost. If you are planning to extend your holiday additional nights are available on request.

The group will be led by a highly experienced KE leader travelling from the UK. They will be supported by an experienced local guide and an English speaking interpreter. Whilst on trek the group will be supported by a local mountain guide and a trek crew.

Approximately $150 should be allowed for miscellaneous expenses and you should take this money in the form of US dollars. Credit cards will not be accepted outside of Almaty. You should allow $80 for trek staff tips. Outside of Almaty, there is little opportunity to spend anything and all meals are included. If you are intending to buy expensive souvenirs, you should budget accordingly.

Tipping is expected in Kazakhstan, although you should only tip for services which are well done. The total amount that you can expect to pay in tips for your local guide, trek crew and drivers is approximately $80-100 (in local currency). Your KE leader will help to coordinate these payments and decide on an appropriate level of tipping for each crew member.

For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage, which should be a soft bag such as the KE kit bag, and a day pack. For international flights please check your baggage allowance with your airline.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in the ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.

Effective from 1 January 2022, citizens of the UK, the USA and EU countries do not require a visa to visit Kazakhstan as a tourist for a period of up to 30 days. Other nationalities should check the requirements directly with their own government travel advice, or with the Kazakhstan embassy in their own country.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro.

The unit of currency in Kazakhstan is the Kazakhstani Tenge.

Getting some additional exercise before coming on an active holiday makes a lot of sense. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find the experience.

You should be aerobically fit and comfortable with walking 4 to 6 hours for consecutive days, with the occasional longer day. Hill walking, with a good amount of ascent and descent, is the best training. Running, cycling and swimming are also good for developing cardiovascular fitness and stamina.

Daytime maximum temperatures will generally be between 20ºC and 25ºC, falling to between 10ºC and 15ºC at night. In the mountains we can expect to encounter cool and windy conditions and some additional clothing layers are needed. During the time we have chosen to travel you can expect warm days with clear skies and little rain or snow. However, weather in mountainous areas is notoriously difficult to predict and short-lived storms can occur at any time of the year. In short, you need to be prepared for everything!

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that before travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates directly from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • Bradt Travel Guide.
  • Central Asia. Lonely Planet.
  • Foreign Devils on the Silk Road. Peter Hopkirk.
  • Mountains of the Middle Kingdom. Galen Rowell.

  • Central Asian Series at 1:500,000 scale. Almaty and Karakol sheets.
  • Reise Know-How. 1:2,000,000 scale.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

Please try to keep the weight of your baggage to a minimum. See the ‘baggage allowance’ section for further details.


  • Hiking boots
  • Trainers 
  • Sandals (for river crossings) - e.g. Teva / Keen style (not flip flops)
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Trekking trousers
  • Waterproof overtrousers
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Thermal baselayer shirts (2 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve)
  • T-shirts
  • Shorts
  • Fleece jacket or warm jumper
  • Warm jacket (down)
  • Sunhat
  • Warm hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Warm gloves
  • Buff/scarf
  • Selection of dry bags (to keep trek bag contents dry)
  • Daypack 30 to 40 litres
  • Headtorch and spare batteries
  • Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)
  • Insect repellent (deet)
  • Water bottles 1 litre (x2) (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)
  • Water purification tablets
  • Washbag and toiletries
  • Antibacterial handwash
  • Small towel
  • Sleeping bag (comfort rated -10°C)
  • Basic First Aid Kit including: antiseptic and antihistamine cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite).


  • Trekking poles (highly recommended)
  • Binoculars (for wildlife spotting)
  • Swimwear (we will be camping near rivers and visting mountain lakes on several occcasions)
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Camera
  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)

The following items are provided:

  • Thermarest or similar sleeping mat 

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


4 out of 5 from 1 review

Incredible experience - expect the unexpected! ★★★★

This is certainly an adventurous trip. Tourism in Kazakhstan is in its infancy outside of Almaty so the infrastructure is not there for every trip to run exactly as detailed. But that's almost the point, very much part of the whole experience and to our mind completely worth it. We walked in sunshine, snow, more sunshine, (brief) driving rain and back to sun. We saw virtually no-one on most of our walks other than a bear and the odd local herdsman. The guide and local staff were amazing and you just can't do the scenery justice, in description or pictorially. The walking was great, some long days but varied and interesting. Be aware there are some fairly long 4x4 transfers to get to the start of some of the walking - but that means you are right in the midst of the most stunning landscapes.
By Helen from Hounslow | 18 September 2019

A Short Drive to the Assy Platau

By Paul from Keswick | 07 September 2019

Kazakhstan Jun19 - Neil Sloman

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By John from London | 13 July 2019


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By Paul from London | 13 July 2019

Traveller Reviews
4 out of 5 from 4 review

Incredible experience - expect the unexpected!
★ ★ ★ ★
This is certainly an adventurous trip. Tourism in Kazakhstan is in its infancy outside of Almaty so the infrastructure is not there for every trip to run exactly as detailed. But that's almost the point, very much part of the whole experience and to our mind completely worth it. We walked in sunshine, snow, more sunshine, (brief) driving rain and back to sun. We saw virtually no-one on most of our walks other than a bear and the odd local herdsman. The guide and local staff were amazing and you just can't do the scenery justice, in description or pictorially. The walking was great, some long days but varied and interesting. Be aware there are some fairly long 4x4 transfers to get to the start of some of the walking - but that means you are right in the midst of the most stunning landscapes.
By Helen from Hounslow | 18 September 2019

A Short Drive to the Assy Platau

By Paul from Keswick | 07 September 2019

Kazakhstan Jun19 - Neil Sloman

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By John from London | 13 July 2019


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View all (10)
By Paul from London | 13 July 2019


Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



Adults from



More Information

  • Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: MDK /01/25/
  • This trip begins on Mon 23 Jun and ends on Sat 5 Jul
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$550
  • Single Supplement Price: US$450 - Include all group hotel /guesthouse / lodge nights (with the exception of the accommodation on Day 2).
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$65
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: MDK /02/25/
  • This trip begins on Mon 4 Aug and ends on Sat 16 Aug
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$550
  • Single Supplement Price: US$440 - Include all group hotel /guesthouse / lodge nights (with the exception of the accommodation on Day 2).
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$65
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: MDK /03/25/
  • This trip begins on Mon 18 Aug and ends on Sat 30 Aug
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$550
  • Single Supplement Price: US$440 - Include all group hotel /guesthouse / lodge nights (with the exception of the accommodation on Day 2).
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$65
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: MDK /04/25/
  • This trip begins on Mon 1 Sep and ends on Sat 13 Sep
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$550
  • Single Supplement Price: US$440 - Include all group hotel /guesthouse / lodge nights (with the exception of the accommodation on Day 2).
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$65
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary, joining at the hotel in Almaty. Single timed transfers are included from/to Almaty Airport.



Full details of this exciting new holiday including dates and prices will be confirmed soon.  To find out more and register your interest please contact our Customer Sales and Support Team on +44 (0) 17687 71677, USA/Cananda Toll Free: 1 888 630 4415 or email:

BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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