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Guatemala's Magnificent Seven

16 reviews
Available Departures: Jan, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec

15 days from


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Walk & Trek
Guided Group

Hike to the summits of 7 volcanoes in Guatemala on this stunning 2-week volcano trekking holiday

Trip Code: GVO
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Guatemala's Magnificent Seven

  • Conquer seven incredible volcano summits in the Guatemalan highlands
  • Stand on top of Tajumulco (4220m), Central America's highest peak
  • Wonder at the sensational sunrise views from Volcan Toliman and Tajumulco
  • Watch Volcan Fuego illuminate the night sky with plumes of lava
  • Enjoy soaking in volcanic hot springs and explore Antigua and Lake Atitlan

At a Glance
  • Group Size 4 to 14
  • 14 days walking and sightseeing
  • Max altitude - 4220 metres
  • Join In Antigua

Accommodation & Meals
  • 14 Breakfasts
  • 12 Lunches
  • 13 Dinners
  • 9 nights Hotel
  • 5 nights Camping

West of Guatemala City, the highland area of the altiplano is bounded to the south by a string of impressive volcanic peaks. Rich in Maya culture and blessed with a wonderful climate, this picturesque region is the focus of our great volcano trekking holiday extravaganza. Setting out from the charming Spanish colonial city of Antigua, we begin our trekking holiday in Guatemala with an ascent of Pacaya (2552m). From the top, we have tremendous dawn views of the surrounding volcanoes and of the distant Pacific Ocean. We travel West to the shores of the beautiful Lake Atitlan, from where we first climb San Pedro (3040m) and then make a 2-day ascent of Volcan Toliman (3210m). We have a day to relax and explore the shores of Lake Atitlan before continuing our journey west to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala's second city and the home of the Quiche Mayan people. From here we make an ascent of Volcan Chicibal (2858m) and explore its crater lagoon steeped in Mayan history. Over the next two days we tackle our highest objective, Tajulmulco (4220m), the highest point in Central America, reaching the summit from a camp high on the peak. Returning to Antigua we then head south for our final two volcanoes. From a spectacular camp between Acatenanago (3976m) and Fuego (3768m) we first climb the dormant Acatenanago for views over all of our 'Magnificent Seven' volcanoes and on the following day we make a partial ascent of the aptly named Fuego, the world's most continuously active volcano. This is an unforgettable adventure in a great trekking destination which has a freshness that will appeal to any adventure traveller.



Is this holiday for you?

The length and difficulty of each of the objectives in this holiday varies considerably and it is therefore not easy to pin to a particular grade. The overall grade we have given this holiday takes into account a number of factors including the overall length of the trip, the facilities available, and the ease with which it is possible to opt out of various sections of the itinerary. The approache …

The length and difficulty of each of the objectives in this holiday varies considerably and it is therefore not easy to pin to a particular grade. The overall grade we have given this holiday takes into account a number of factors including the overall length of the trip, the facilities available, and the ease with which it is possible to opt out of various sections of the itinerary. The approaches to the volcanoes on the 'Magnificent Seven' are generally easy, following established trails through coffee plantation, forest or jungle. However, the ascents of the volcanoes themselves present quite challenging hikes even to regular hillwalkers. All of the volcanoes except Pacaya and Chicibal present a considerable amount of ascent and descent (between 1200 and 1700m of ascent), sometimes on steep and/or loose ground. We do have porter or pack-horse support during those days when we are camping which means you will not be carrying heavy packs on any of these ascents.

Why KE?

This is a completely unique-to-KE adventure run by our experienced and passionate guides, who'll make sure you'll see the best of this spectacular region and help you conquer the Magnificent Seven. Tackling seven of the highest volcanoes in the Western Highlands will be challenging, but camping under the stars and waking to far-reaching views across to the Pacific and into Mexico will be more than ample reward.



Meet at the group hotel in Antigua. A single timed transfer from Guatemala City Airport is provided. The journey takes around 1hr.



Designated a 'World Heritage' site in 1979, Antigua is one of the most attractive cities in the Americas and has a rich and colourful history. Founded in 1543, the city became the Spanish colonial capital from which most of Central and South America was once ruled. A wealth of impressive 17th and 18th century buildings, picturesque streets and a friendly population together with excellent restaurants and a variety of cafes and bars, makes Antigua the logical choice as a starting point for travel in Guatemala. The city's setting is stupendous, surrounded as it is by the volcanoes Agua, Fuego and Acatenango. After a leisurely breakfast in our hotel, we have a 'familiarisation' walking tour of the city. In the afternoon we depart for Pacaya Volcano (2552 m). Set in its own national park, Pacaya is a storybook volcano with a continuous plume of smoke drifting from its summit. It is approx a 1½ hour drive to the trailhead. The trek starts out steep but quicky backs off and becomes less steep, traversing through agricultural fields and forest. The ascent culminates in a final, steeper section of trail climbing the cinder cone. The ascent is not too difficult nor long, only taking around 2 hours, but does provide an easy acclimatisation walk for our coming climbs. Pacaya's volcanic activity will dictate how close we can get to the edge of the lava streams or cone. We will most likely reach a high point of around 2100m, where we will have excellent views back over Guatemala city and across to Volcanes de Agua, Acatenango and Fuego. We camp tonight on the slopes of Pacaya.






400 M


1 - 2 hrs trekking


5 KM

After breakfast, our group will break camp and have a relaxed descent of Pacaya's slopes as we move down to the trailhead. We transfer to the town of San Pedro de Laguna on the shores of Lake Atitlan. This small town has become a popular tourist destination due to its spectacular location set between lakes and volcanoes. We will stop along the way at a local restaurant to eat lunch and stretch our legs. The journey will take about four hours, after which we will check into our hotel and have some time to explore the town.






400 M


1 hr trekking


5 KM

Today we will hike the shapely San Pedro, which can be seen very prominently from our hotel. After breakfast, we make the 20 minute drive to the start of the trail at 1800. The path is steep in places as it winds its way, firstly through a large plantation of coffee and then between cornfields, before entering thick cloud forest. The rock stack on the summit of San Pedro is the perfect picnic spot at approximately 3040 meters and provides a superb view of the truly beautiful lake and towns below.' After lunch we descend back down the volcanic slopes to our San Pedro hotel where we can enjoy some well-earned relaxation time.






1200 M


1200 M


6-7 hrs trekking


9 KM

This morning we will travel by boat (approx. 30 minutes) across Lake Atitlan to Santiago Atitlan. From the dock, we will go to the main plaza at, where we will meet the locals who will help us with the necessary equipment for tonight's camp. Today's hike winds through Santiago's colorful streets until you reach the edge of town and beginning of the trail surrounded by fruit trees, vegetable crops, and cornfields. We will walk for 2 hours on this woody and rocky trail before travelling deeper into the forest. The route through the dense forest takes us to the point where we will camp tonight (3000m). As we enter the humid forest, listen to the sounds of local animals such as deer, Pavo de Cacho hummingbirds, and a variety of other local birds. After 3 hours, we will arrive at our campsite located aside a spectacular rock-shaped cave and setup for the evening. We will rest after a long day of walking with coffee and a rich dinner prepared by the team of guides and support crew.






1450 M


5-6 hrs trekking


7 KM

Don't miss the opportunity this morning to witness the perfect setting for a majestic postcard. For those that will wake up, we will leave camp at 4:00AM to summit one of Toliman's 3 peaks with a rewarding sunrise view of Lake Atitlan and the surrounding volcanoes. We will return to the campsite for breakfast and then be ready for the descent back to the scenic town of Santiago. At the end of the today's hike, we will drive back to Panajachel on Lake Atitlan.






200 M


1600 M


3 - 4 hrs trekking


9 KM

Today you will have time to relax by the lake, paddle a kayak or visit surrounding villages. San Juan is a tranquil little town with many little cooperatives and artisan shops and Santiago Atitlan is the home of sacred spirits. Both are great places to explore local markets, plazas and historical buildings.





After breakfast we leave Lake Atitlan and drive for 2 hours towards the capital of the Western Highlands, across the high sierra, Quetzaltenango (also known by its Mayan name of Xela). Travelling along the Pan American Highway, we pass its highest point at a place known locally as 'Alaska.' Xela sits at an altitude of 2335m, making it Guatemala's second largest city and the centre of the Quiche Mayan people. From Xela we continue 1 hour to Laguna Seca, the start of today's walk and our next volcanic objective, Chicibal (2858m). Sacred in Mayan beliefs the Chicibal Volcano is seen as a symbol of the power of nature and religious ceremonies and offerings made to the gods to ask for protection against natural disasters. The lagoon at its crater is considered the centre of Mayan 'Cosmovision' and Mayan traditionalist still use altars along the lakeshore. Red corrugated roofs dot the farms below as we make our way up, at first, an unpaved road before it forks into two trails. These trails form a loop taking in the summit mirador at descending into the crater to Chicibal Lagoon. After exploring these trails we return to our vehicle and drive on to Lake Atitlan and our hotel for the night.






400 M


400 M


2 - 3 hours trekking


4 KM

Today we embark on a stunning climb to Central America's highest point, Volcan Tajumulco. After breakfast we drive from Quetzaltenango to the small village of San Sebastian in San Marcos (approx. 4 hours), which lies close to the border of Mexico and is the starting point for our climb on Tajumulco, the highest of Guatemala's Volcanoes. Starting at 2800 a cobbled street climbs out of the village towards the forest. This initial section can be completed either on foot or by 4x4, you will decide with your guide the best option for your group, and leads up to 3560m and the entrance to the cloud forest. From here it will take around 2 hours to walk through the lush pine forest to our camp for the night, situated at 3900 on the volcano side. Depending on timings we may choose to walk on for another 1.5 hours to reach the highest possible point on this volcano, at 4142m, for a special sunset over the surrounding countryside and breathtaking views eastward along the volcanic chain. We then descend back to the campsite where we will enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by our local chef.






1330 M


3 - 4 hrs trekking


9 KM

This morning we rise early to climb to Tajumulco's summit for a spectacular sunrise from Central America's highest point. After this incredible experience, we will have breakfast back at the campsite before packing our things and walking back down to the trailhead and Sebastian. The descent will take about 2 hours. We drive for around 4 hours back towards Xela, before continuing to the hot springs at Fuentes Georginas. Fed from the nearby Zunil Volcano the waters are both warm and rich in minerals, with many locals attributing healing powers to this special place. Here we enjoy lunch and use of the hot pools before returning to our hotel in Xela.






300 M


1500 M


3-4 hours


5 KM

In the morning we drive back to Antigua. The journey to Antigua takes about 3 hours. Along the way we will stop in the town of San Andres Itzapa to visit the shrine of San Simon or El Maximon, as the locals call him. There are many versions of the history of San Simon, but the one most believed is that during the time the Spanish conquest, San Simon was the human reincarnation of Judas, sent back down to Earth to forever beg forgiveness. It is tradition to bear offerings to San Simon, along with wishes; a new car, a hex on a neighbour or even a win on the lottery. The various plaques decorating the walls of the shrine pay tribute to the miracles received by the many who worship him. The temple is a place of great ceremony with ritual fires and sacrifices led by the shamans. San Simon is also said to be the protector of vices, meaning that his holy water is liquor and incense is cigarette or cigar smoke. We arrive into Antigua with a bit of time to get our gear ready for the last two volcanoes.





Today we enjoy slightly more leisurely start to the morning. The ascent of Guatemala's third highest volcano, Acatenango (3976m), begins with a bumpy ride for 1 hour to La Soledad (2390m). We will camp in the mountains tonight and will once again be supported by a team of porters. The climb is quite steep, but varied and interesting, as we pass through various zones of vegetation; beginning in the cornfields of La Soledad and traversing bamboo clad slopes, then cloud forest and finally pine forest, before finally reaching the summit cone. This is a 5 to 6 hour ascent, with lunch taken on the way. The view from the summit is very impressive, with all of our 'Magnificent Seven' volcanoes visible; from distant Tajumulco to the nearby and spectacularly active Fuego. Our camping place for the next 2 nights is slightly down from the summit, on the tree covered area between Acatenango and Fuego at approximately 3500 metres. This promises to be one of the more remarkable campsites you will ever have stayed at, with the sight of Fuego blowing rocks and dense black clouds into the stratosphere being particularly unforgettable.






1600 M


5 - 6 hrs trekking


10 KM

Most people will want to rise early to catch the sunrise and we then set of for Fuego after breakfast in camp. Fuego, also known as Chigag (which in the Cakchiquel language means 'where the fire is') has been active since records began in 1524 and is, in fact, the world's most continuously active volcano. We walk across the saddle, and up a curving ridge, rising in a series of crests toward the summit cone. We will ascend this ridge as far as possible towards the summit: our maximum altitude here will be governed by the level of volcanic activity. We then return to our campsite where we spend another night high in the mountains.






500 M


5 hrs trekking


5 KM

We are treated to another sunrise in this truly spectacular location, before beginning the long descent of the western slopes of Fuego. The trail begins with an easy traverse through the forest, which in places is quite sparse, permitting us views of both Volcans Fuego and Agua. We plunge down into the denser sub-tropical vegetation of the lower slopes. This will be a tough morning's work and hard on the knees as we follow a twisting, dusty trail down through the forest for 3 to 4 hours to return to the village of La Soledad. Here we are met by our transport and make the short transfer back to our hotel in Antigua. We should be back in time for a late lunch and the rest of the day is free to relax and buy souvenirs from this colonial centre of Antigua.






1200 M


3 - 4 hrs trekking


7 KM

Your holiday ends after breakfast. A single timed transfer to Guatemala City Airport is provided. Flight time allowing there may be additional time to explore this charming city. Should you wish to extend your stay additional hotel nights in Antigua are available, or you may want to extend your stay with a extension to see the Mayan ruins at Tikal. We can even arrange an incredible once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos Islands! Please contact the KE office for further information.


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Airport Airport
Point Point
Peaks Peaks

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • Travel Insurance
  • Airport transfers other than group transfers
  • Tips
  • Miscellaneous expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc

All meals are included in the holiday price except for lunch on the free day beside Lake Atitlan - Day 7. .

It is not recommended to drink untreated water from the taps. If you are on a trekking or cycling holiday, water is supplied to fill up your individual bottles. This will be boiled, filtered or provided in large jerry cans or 5 litre bottles. Additionally you should take purification tablets or a filter bottle (such as a Water-To-Go bottle) to treat your water when in towns or where water is not supplied. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

Antigua has a bewildering array of restaurants serving international cuisine and your trip leader will take you to some of the best. In Quetzaltenango the choice is not as wide ranging but still there are several restaurants serving a variety of foods both local and international. During the camping nights you will have a cooked meal prepared from fresh local ingredients. The picnic lunches during the trek consist of salad, bread, pasta, cheese, cooked meats, and fresh fruit. Mineral water as well as tea or coffee is provided.

We will spend 7 nights in comfortable hotels in Antigua and Quetzaltenango, and 1 night at a comfortable hotel right on the shores of Lake Atitlan. All rooms are en suite. There will also be a total of 5 nights camping.

Accommodation is based on twin share. If you are travelling by yourself, you will be paired up with another single client of the same sex. Single rooms are available for a supplementary cost. If you are planning to extend your holiday, additional nights at the group hotel are available on request.

The group will be led by a professional and qualified tour leader. In addition, whilst trekking, the group will be supported by a full crew of camp staff and porters.

This holiday involves going to high altitude. During the course of your trip you will reach altitudes in excess of 3500 metres. This is not something that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but it is important that we follow some simple rules in order to acclimatise successfully. Before coming on this holiday you should read the advice on trekking at high altitude. You can also talk to one of our trekking experts if you have any concerns about altitude.

A total of US $250 - 300 should be sufficient to cover your personal spending including tips for drivers and trek staff, miscellaneous expenditure on drinks, souvenirs etc. It is possible to use credit and debit cards to withdraw money from ATMs in Antigua and Quetzaltenango. This is usually at the best available exchange rate but you may be charged by your bank or card company. If you are bringing your travel money from the UK you should bring US$ rather than sterling and we recommend that you use cash rather than travellers cheques, since you will exchange the majority of this on the day after your arrival in Guatemala. The local currency is the Quetzal (named after the national bird). It is not necessary to obtain local currency ahead of your visit and you will have an opportunity to change money on the day following your arrival. US dollars are accepted as payment in most restaurants and shops in Antigua but not necessarily outside this city

Tips are the accepted way of saying ‘thank you’ to your local guides and porters. They do not form part of their wages. KE always pays local crews the best rates of pay, no matter what country they are in and any tips they receive are seen as a personal thank you from group members. For our part, we advise local teams that tips are not a duty or a prerequisite but are a bonus and entirely dependent on the service that was given. For your guides and support staff we recommend that you give a tip if you feel that their services have met your satisfaction. We recommend that tips be given from the group as a whole and as a rough guide we suggest that a contribution from each group member of around $75 - $100, should provide a sufficient 'pool' for tips.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in the ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.

Visa Guatemala

UK and USA passport holders do not require a visa for short stays.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid.

Malarial prophylaxis is not usually required for trips in the mountains, however if you are visiting rural and remote low lying areas then they might be necessary.

On holidays to more remote areas you should also have a dentist check up. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro.

The unit of currency in Guatemala is the Quetzal (named after the national bird).

It makes a lot of sense to spend some time before coming on a walking holiday, getting some additional exercise. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find your holiday. Although the overall grade of this trip is moderate, some of the ascents will challenge even regular hill walkers and it is a good idea to get in shape before heading out on your holiday. We suggest that you adopt a weekly exercise regime. Regular hiking in hill country is the best preparation but if this is not possible, then running, cycling and swimming are also good for developing better stamina and general cardio-vascular fitness. Before departure, we suggest that you try to fit in a number of long walks in hilly country.

From the middle of October through to the start of March the average daytime temperature in the high sierra will range from 17 to 25°C. Whilst in Antigua and at Lake Atitlan, temperatures are unlikely to fall below 15°C, even at night. At our highest camps, temperatures will fall to around 5°C at night. The time of year that we have chosen for our visits to Guatemala coincides with a mainly dry period, at least on the Pacific side of Guatemala. However, there is the possibility of showers in the afternoons when climbing the volcanoes.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that before travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates directly from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • Guatemala, Belize & Yucatan.Lonely Planet

  • Guatemala. Lonely Planet

  • The Rough Guide. Guatemala & Belize

  • Neos Guide. Central America Adventure Travellers


ITMB - International Travel Maps

Double-sided map at 1;470,000, on waterproof and tear-resistant paper, with street plans of Guatemala City and Antigua, plus an enlargement of the environs of the capital including the volcanoes Acatenango and Fuego. Elevation colouring with spot heights indicate the topography. The road network includes seasonal tracks, and indicates intermediate distances on major and some minor roads.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

The following checklist should help you with your packing. As a general rule, you should always try to keep the weight of your equipment to a minimum.

You must bring the following items:

  • **Sleeping bag (comfort rated 0ºC)

  • **Thermarest or similar sleeping mat

  • Walking boots

  • Trainers for travelling in and for camp use

  • Walking socks (3 pairs)

  • Trekking trousers

  • Lightweight waterproof over trousers

  • Underwear

  • Base layer shirt(s)

  • Shirts or T-shirts

  • Fleece jacket or warm jumper

  • Waterproof jacket

  • Sunhat

  • Warm hat

  • Sunglasses

  • Warm gloves

  • Daypack 30 litres

  • Large waterproof bag such as a rucksack liner (for repacking gear on the camping nights - see below)

  • Headtorch with spare batteries

  • Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)

  • Water bottles 1 Litre x 2 (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)

  • Water purification tablets

  • Washbag and toiletries

  • Antibacterial handwash

  • Swimwear (for the hot springs)

  • Small towel

  • Small padlock (to lock your KE trek bag)

  • Basic First Aid Kit including: Antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite).

The following items are optional:

  • Travel clothes

  • Shorts

  • Spare laces

  • Gaiters (recommended)

  • Trekking poles (recommended)

  • Down jacket (for use in evenings when camping)

  • Insect repellant

  • Pen-knife (note: always pack sharp objects in hold baggage)

  • Repair kit – (eg. needle, thread, duct tape)

  • Camera

  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)


This is not a sustained trekking trip and there are only 4 nights when we are camping. On each of the camping nights, you will be asked to restrict your personal equipment to a few essential items, including your sleeping bag and camping mattress. This equipment will be separated from your trek bag and repacked into communal kitbags for the porters or pack-horses to carry. To help to keep these items clean and dry, you should take with you on the trip a suitable, large and waterproof bag, such as a plastic bivi bag, rucksack liner or equivalent. Your trek bag, with the bulk of your spare clothing etc, will remain in safe storage at the group’s hotel during the time when we are camping.

**Equipment Hire / Rental: Sleeping bags in standard and long (taller than 6 foot) sizes and an inflatable camping mattress can be hired from KE. You can reserve your bag when you book your trip or closer to your departure but we advise booking hire equipment as soon as possible to ensure availability.


Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


Extension Details

Galapagos Islands Cruise

7 Days

Situated over 600 miles from the mainland of South America, the remote archipelago of the Galapagos Islands needs little introduction. The Galapagos Islands are considered to the crown jewels of the natural world, achieving near mythological status following visits by Charles Darwin. It was on his second visit aboard HMS Beagle in 1835 that Darwin's scientific studies introduced the world to the theory of evolution. The islands teem with life, much of which seem totally unphased and perhaps curious of visitors. Of the thirteen major islands, on five have any form of human habitation. The environmental footprint is kept to an absolute minimum, allowing you, the visitor, a chance to explore the incredible biodiversity of these famous islands untouched by human development. Expect close encounters with blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, albatross, giant tortoises, seals, turtles and dinosaur-like lizards amongst many, many other examples.

Extension Code: GALP
Sharing Price from
Deposit Per Person from

Extension Itinerary

Arrive in Quito any time.

We take an early flight to San Cristobal Island, stopping off for refuelling at Guayaquil. In the afternoon, we board our boat, the Monserrat, and visit Isla Lobos, to be greeted by sea lions frolicking in the waves. We will explore this island on foot and perhaps by panga to view the sea and shore birds nesting and feeding. There will be an opportunity to snorkel in the waters of Isla Lobos too.



We visit Cerro Brujo on San Cristobal Island. Here we can observe sea lions, marine iguanas and seabirds. In the afternoon we visit the giant tortoise breeding area in the highlands. Later we set sail for Bahia Gardner, a sheltered cove off Espanola Island.



Today we visit the magnificent, white sandy beach of Gardner Bay, home to colonies of sea lions and birds. There will be a chance to snorkel the turquoise waters and spot large schools of tropical fish, including yellow-tailed surgeonfish, king angelfish and bump-headed parrot fish. We may even be lucky enough to spot white-tipped reef sharks, napping on the bottom! We then visit Punta Suarez, one of the most wildlife-rich landing spots in the Galapagos. Here we can observe many nesting birds including the waved albatross.



Upon landing at Punta Cormorant and Floreana Island, we visit the amazing multi-coloured beaches. We observe flamingoes and other shore birds feeding in the lagoon. Penguins and marine iguanas can also be spotted on the water's edge. We then move on to Champion Islet where we have another chance to snorkel with sea lions and, if we're lucky, turtles and rays. Afterwards, we visit Post Office Bay where we learn all about its unique history. English whaling vessels placed a barrel here in the 18th centuary where it functioned as a rather unusual post office!



We disembark at Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island and visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. Here we can observe many species of tortoise and land iguanas at the Fausto Llerena Breeding Centre. We learn about the conservation work and scientific research that is undertaken on this remote archipelago. We than catch our flight back to the mainland, and Quito.



Depart anytime.


Whats Included
  • Return Internal flights from Quito to Baltra and associated airport transfers in the Galapagos Islands
  • Double or twin berth cabin on full board basis (according to itinerary)
  • Cruise on a Tourist Class boat (according to itinerary)
  • Galapagos guide
What's Not Included
  • Galapagos National Park entrance $100 per person ($200 from 1 Aug 2024) payable locally in cash

  • Transit control card $20 per person (must be paid locally in cash)

  • Tips of local staff

  • Miscellaneous expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc

Extension Details

The Mayan City of Tikal

2 Days
Situated in a remote jungle setting, Tikal is one of the world’s premier archaeological sites and one of the Guatemala’s most interesting attractions. This was one of the largest and most powerful cities during the Mayan period, dating between 600BC and 900AD. After its decline and eventual collapse, the city was reclaimed by the encroaching jungle and hidden for centuries, until European archaeologists began to excavate the pyramids, plazas and temples in the 1850s. Now a National Park and a UNESCO World Heritage site, it is now possible to explore the ongoing excavations and temples. It isn’t only the ruins that impress: the area is part of a biosphere and boasts 285 species of exotic birds and animals and there are hundreds of orchid species.
Extension Code: TIKA
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Extension Itinerary

Transfer from Antigua to Guatemala City for the 1 hour flight to Flores and then a group transfer on to Tikal where we check into our hotel and head out on our guided group sightseeing tour (entrance fee payable on arrival). In the afternoon, if we retain our ticket, we have another chance to visit the site. Overnight Tikal Inn or similar.



Early start for sunrise and a free morning of sightseeing at Tikal (entrance fee not included). Return to Flores on group transfer and fly to Guatemala City. A transfer back to Antigua is included for clients who departing the following day requiring an additional hotel night. Services end.


Whats Included
  • Transfers to and from Antigua to Guatemala City Airport
  • Internal flights to and from Flores
  • Transfers to and from Flores to Tikal
  • English-speaking guide while at Tikal
  • Accommodation as described
  • Meals as described
What's Not Included
  • Park entrance fee (approx $20.00 per day)
  • Meals as described
  • Tips for local staff
  • Airport departure tax ($2-3) if applicable
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses - beer and souvenirs etc
  • Note: The return flight from Flores may not connect with your international flight. If a further night in Antigua and associated transfers can easily be arranged.


4.6 out of 5 from 16 reviews

Stunning sunrises and incredible summit views ★★★★

What an incredible experience! Highlights were the two nights camping on Acatenango - watching Fuego erupt is an impressive sight, especially at night with the red lava flowing down the volcano side! It’s well worth getting up early both mornings to watch the sunrise over Agua and Fuego, the views are simply stunning all round. Loved the ascent of Tajumulco (highest peak in Central America) and watching the sunrise in the morning from the summit. There are lots of friendly and very well-behave d dogs on Pacaya and Acatenango so it’s worth bringing some dog biscuits with you. The hardest day by far is the ascent of Toliman, it’s 1600m ascent and there is no let up – it’s a tough day’s walking! On the packing list it says to bring a sleeping bag and sleeping mat, but we were provided with these when we got there. Willy (who oversaw equipment) looks after these and they get taken up to every campsite, even if you have your own sleeping bag and mat. It would have been useful to know this beforehand as I could have packed lighter and taken a suitcase (instead of a kit bag which is more difficult to carry and transport). For the camping nights you just need a dry bag with a few overnight things, and your main bag stays in the hotel. The picnic lunches were great, very fresh, and vegan friendly – lots of avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, and peppers to make your own sandwich. The lunch options when we ate out were very good for vegetarians and vegans (mostly tapas style with guacamole, refried beans, plantain, roasted vegetables, falafel, tortillas etc). If you’re vegan, it’s worth bringing some snack bars and peanut butter with you as you will need them on some of the days. The hotel we stayed in at Antigua had just the best breakfast (lots of fresh melon, pineapple, papaya, refried beans, plantain etc) and it was opposite The Brewery (well worth a visit for a pint or two of locally brewed beer). I would have rated this as a 5, but the overnight stay at the hot springs let it down – the cabins we stayed in were damp and cold, there wasn’t enough hot water for a much-needed shower, and the vegetarian meal option (a very uninspiring plated salad which I didn’t bother to eat) was very poor.
By Julia from Chesterfield | 19 April 2023

Stunning sunrises and views in Guatemala

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By Julia from Chesterfield | 19 April 2023

Guatemala's volcano walk

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By Jin from Lisle | 14 February 2022

Watching active volcanoes’ eruptions up and close ★★★★

In the dead of winter where walking holiday choices are more limited than in summer, it was awesome to watch active volcanoes’ eruptions up-and-close, at sunrise, at sunset, and during daytime’s volcano walk. With a few exceptions, most walks were in the woods, however, and significant amount of time was spent in vehicle transportation; so one would need to set up expectations properly. Room for improvement: 1. The Jan-2020 trip was the first time where the order of days was changed. While t he change decision was made back in Oct 2019, KE’s website (the “Map and Itinerary” tab) was not updated until Jan-2020. Even after the update there were still discrepancies. For example, ascent of volcano San Pedro on Day 9 was replaced by ascent of Maya Face (with tourist police escort) because San Pedro was deemed unsafe (even with police escort), and it has been “unsafe” for some time. Another example: Ascent of volcano Acatenango was actually done in the morning of Day 13 instead of in the afternoon of Day 12, partially because morning has fewer clouds. 2. Our hotel room in San Pedro by Lake Atitlan had mold, where we stayed three nights. We had to open window for the night and change our pillow position away from the wall to reduce the smell of mold. 3. This program’s cover photo on KE website does not truly reflect the key selling point of Guatemala’s volcano walk and some update may be needed. The current cover photo shows a sea of clouds surrounding volcano Aqua as viewed from Acatenango’s base camp, where Aqua is not an active volcano. While it looks nice and interesting, the real attraction is ACTIVE volcano (Fuego) eruptions. I’d be disappointed for the entire volcano walk if I only saw dormant volcanoes without watching active volcano eruptions up-and-close.
By Jin from Lisle | 14 February 2020

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are glad you had an awesome time in Gutemala. Note that our website will always show the itinerary for the current trip but in case of updates, you can download the specific itinerary ahead of time for any date, from the 'Dates & Prices' tab. The change from climbing San Pedro to the Maya Face was made due to an incident which occured immediately before your trip. Our guides will also make small changes to the itinerary which are in the group's interest, such as switching a climb to a morning ascent when the forecast is for cloud in the afternoon. We are sorry to learn about the issue you had in one of the hotels and we are investigating this with our local agent. If it is not rectified, we will not use this hotel in future.

Blow-your-mind scenery and a real adventure ★★★★★

This exceeded all my expectations. The scenery is incredible, and for some of it there were no other tourists anywhere to be seen - a real sense of adventure, not a formulaic sight-seeing tour. The guiding team of Luis, Lucas, Mario and Gerson were obviously proud (rightly so) to welcome us to their country. The walking is hard - itinerary and distances are not that much but the terrain, altitude and heat make it tough. Free time was very-much appreciated and didn't feel like hanging around . Highlights? Too many to mention, but the sunrises were incredible and Volcan Fuego lighting up the night sky was spectacular!
By Robert from Swansea | 25 January 2020

Traveller Reviews
4.6 out of 5 from 29 reviews

Stunning sunrises and incredible summit views
★ ★ ★ ★
What an incredible experience! Highlights were the two nights camping on Acatenango - watching Fuego erupt is an impressive sight, especially at night with the red lava flowing down the volcano side! It’s well worth getting up early both mornings to watch the sunrise over Agua and Fuego, the views are simply stunning all round. Loved the ascent of Tajumulco (highest peak in Central America) and watching the sunrise in the morning from the summit. There are lots of friendly and very well-behave d dogs on Pacaya and Acatenango so it’s worth bringing some dog biscuits with you. The hardest day by far is the ascent of Toliman, it’s 1600m ascent and there is no let up – it’s a tough day’s walking! On the packing list it says to bring a sleeping bag and sleeping mat, but we were provided with these when we got there. Willy (who oversaw equipment) looks after these and they get taken up to every campsite, even if you have your own sleeping bag and mat. It would have been useful to know this beforehand as I could have packed lighter and taken a suitcase (instead of a kit bag which is more difficult to carry and transport). For the camping nights you just need a dry bag with a few overnight things, and your main bag stays in the hotel. The picnic lunches were great, very fresh, and vegan friendly – lots of avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, and peppers to make your own sandwich. The lunch options when we ate out were very good for vegetarians and vegans (mostly tapas style with guacamole, refried beans, plantain, roasted vegetables, falafel, tortillas etc). If you’re vegan, it’s worth bringing some snack bars and peanut butter with you as you will need them on some of the days. The hotel we stayed in at Antigua had just the best breakfast (lots of fresh melon, pineapple, papaya, refried beans, plantain etc) and it was opposite The Brewery (well worth a visit for a pint or two of locally brewed beer). I would have rated this as a 5, but the overnight stay at the hot springs let it down – the cabins we stayed in were damp and cold, there wasn’t enough hot water for a much-needed shower, and the vegetarian meal option (a very uninspiring plated salad which I didn’t bother to eat) was very poor.
By Julia from Chesterfield | 19 April 2023

Stunning sunrises and views in Guatemala

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By Julia from Chesterfield | 19 April 2023

Guatemala's volcano walk

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By Jin from Lisle | 14 February 2022

Watching active volcanoes’ eruptions up and close
★ ★ ★ ★
In the dead of winter where walking holiday choices are more limited than in summer, it was awesome to watch active volcanoes’ eruptions up-and-close, at sunrise, at sunset, and during daytime’s volcano walk. With a few exceptions, most walks were in the woods, however, and significant amount of time was spent in vehicle transportation; so one would need to set up expectations properly. Room for improvement: 1. The Jan-2020 trip was the first time where the order of days was changed. While t he change decision was made back in Oct 2019, KE’s website (the “Map and Itinerary” tab) was not updated until Jan-2020. Even after the update there were still discrepancies. For example, ascent of volcano San Pedro on Day 9 was replaced by ascent of Maya Face (with tourist police escort) because San Pedro was deemed unsafe (even with police escort), and it has been “unsafe” for some time. Another example: Ascent of volcano Acatenango was actually done in the morning of Day 13 instead of in the afternoon of Day 12, partially because morning has fewer clouds. 2. Our hotel room in San Pedro by Lake Atitlan had mold, where we stayed three nights. We had to open window for the night and change our pillow position away from the wall to reduce the smell of mold. 3. This program’s cover photo on KE website does not truly reflect the key selling point of Guatemala’s volcano walk and some update may be needed. The current cover photo shows a sea of clouds surrounding volcano Aqua as viewed from Acatenango’s base camp, where Aqua is not an active volcano. While it looks nice and interesting, the real attraction is ACTIVE volcano (Fuego) eruptions. I’d be disappointed for the entire volcano walk if I only saw dormant volcanoes without watching active volcano eruptions up-and-close.
By Jin from Lisle | 14 February 2020

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are glad you had an awesome time in Gutemala. Note that our website will always show the itinerary for the current trip but in case of updates, you can download the specific itinerary ahead of time for any date, from the 'Dates & Prices' tab. The change from climbing San Pedro to the Maya Face was made due to an incident which occured immediately before your trip. Our guides will also make small changes to the itinerary which are in the group's interest, such as switching a climb to a morning ascent when the forecast is for cloud in the afternoon. We are sorry to learn about the issue you had in one of the hotels and we are investigating this with our local agent. If it is not rectified, we will not use this hotel in future.

Blow-your-mind scenery and a real adventure
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This exceeded all my expectations. The scenery is incredible, and for some of it there were no other tourists anywhere to be seen - a real sense of adventure, not a formulaic sight-seeing tour. The guiding team of Luis, Lucas, Mario and Gerson were obviously proud (rightly so) to welcome us to their country. The walking is hard - itinerary and distances are not that much but the terrain, altitude and heat make it tough. Free time was very-much appreciated and didn't feel like hanging around . Highlights? Too many to mention, but the sunrises were incredible and Volcan Fuego lighting up the night sky was spectacular!
By Robert from Swansea | 25 January 2020

Simply magnificent

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By Robert from Swansea | 25 January 2020

Amazing trip, but some disappointing details
★ ★ ★
Guatemala is a beautiful and friendly country, seeing an active volcano from our tent for two nights straight was an absolutely unforgettable experience. Our local guides Luis, Lucas and Mario were knowledgeable, friendly and looked after us in the best manner possible, the negative comments below should never reflect badly on any of them. Our overall experience has definitely been marred by some details: - We had 9 dinners in towns. 3 of these dinners were in places specialising in pizza, one i n an Indian restaurant and one in a place that seemed to do a fusion of Irish pub meals and Asian curries. That left only 4 meals in Guatemalan places, less than half of all dinners in towns. We don’t think many people travel to Guatemala to eat pizza; - it turned out that the phrase "meals included" in the description of the trip in fact means "only main courses are included, and in some places there is a limit on the price of a course". I don't know why KE wouldn't just write that in the description; - lots of meals were taken from very reduced menus. In some there was not even an option to take a starter, even if you were prepared to pay extra for it; another place had a really nice menu online with more than 10 pizzas, but the menu given to us only had the 3 cheapest ones; - in one hotel room we had ants everywhere, including bedside tables, and the bed itself. In another two there was mould on the walls. Pictures have been shared with KE; - There was no water for washing hands at the campsites, and very little water in general. We rarely got hot drinks, definitely never with dinner, and were almost discouraged from filling our bottles. We were given a fork and a spoon each which we were supposed to keep for the duration of the trip, but there was no opportunity to wash these on camping trips. All of this, and other smaller details, has been shared with KE, who essentially dismissed us. You come to KE expecting to pay a bit more but get a perfectly organised tour in return. This time it felt more like a budget holiday and that nobody in the office actually cares about the experience we had.
By Vsevolod from Edinburgh | 24 January 2020

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. As you know from our private correspondence with you, we have taken up your concerns with our trip leaders and local staff in Guatemala, and we have communicated to you the actions we propose to take for future tours. We want all of our clients to have a fantastic experience with KE, so please get in touch with us if you are dissatisfied with the way we responded to you.

Very well organized, good trip
★ ★ ★
This trip was fun. There were a lot of logistical challenges and the local guides did a fantastic job of managing all of it. They worked extremely well together, and they were really lovely guys who all worked so hard to make our trip a success. They were a very special trio that I would recommend without hesitation. The only reason this gets 3 stars from me is that I simply didn't find the hiking that good. Most climbs were jungle hikes with limited views until the summit, and a couple had significant trash along the way. The volcanoes were less impressive and volcano-y than the ones in Indonesia, which are quite active and each one quite distinct. Again, this is no fault of KE or the local guides, who both did a great job.
By Leslie from BROOKLINE | 29 December 2018

Fantastic fortnight in Guatemela

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By Andrea from Birmingham | 14 April 2018

Guatemalas Magnificent Severn & more

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By Neil from Rochester | 08 February 2018

Magnificent Seven - scaled and delighted!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an adventure...this is what happens when you don't fully read the notes of a trip! I have never been...and probably won't get to do it again...on the side of a volcano whilst it has been erupting. volcano Fuego was very active during our visit and at nighttime seeing all the lava was just amazing. the walking element was pretty tough as each volcano was straight up and straight down...very little flat so was tiring for the knees. But the pace was good and there was always plenty o f time to do what was required. You do need to be relatively fit for this trip..and happy to sit in a vehicle for several hours to move between each area. Also, you do need to be ok with boats for the short ride over to San Pedro...not a journey I enjoyed at all but the rest of the team were really supportive. The Guatemala lads were brilliant. Mario was our cook and tried his level best to accommodate us all. There is no water in camp so all water has to be carried up, which is a challenge. Snacks are few so it is advisable to take your own. Alex was our 2nd guide and he was a lot of fun and really knowledgable about each area...and coffee. Both he and Mario took us to coffee places and knew a lot about chocolate too! Sebastian was our chief guide and is a sensitive and caring soul. He had good knowledge and is passionate about sharing the outdoors. He is also very clued up on their history. All three had very good English. Our driver was good fun and a safe driver...I am a poor passenger but I had every faith in him. Tips: it's cold in camp so do take a decent sleeping bag you carry your own packed lunch most days so take your own 'spork' and plastic cup you need very few clothes as you can easily rinse things out at the hotels they will take you to a bank on day 1 to change money - take USD or ATM card make sure you go to a coffee plantation and learn about chocolate - with highly delicious go to the women's cooperative in San Juan (near San Pedro) - beautiful hand woven items gaiters are a good idea for the scree running days - Pacaya and Acatenango Sunrises are amazing Antigua is expensive...cheaper to buy presents in San Pedro or Quetzaltenango take snacks with you
By Phillipa from DERBY | 02 January 2018

Energising trip summiting 7 volcanoes, amazing, fitness essential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trip was well planned with an acclimatisation day at the start of the Tour in Antigua and some down time by Lake Atitlan at the end, although an extra day at the lake would have been welcome. The camping was really well organised and I particularly enjoyed the camp food and the central focus and warmth of a camp fire, quite magical with such amazing panoramic views. The roads in Guatemala are basic and the traffic congestions not good, but stops were factored in to make the journeys more enjoyab le and there was only one day when we did not walk. Not sure that a scenic drive along the Pan American Highway is an apt description however. We had a great team to look after us. Sebastian, lead guide with his enthusiasm and valuable local knowledge. His careful planning especially with regard to arranging for all our meals, the majority having been pre ordered to save time. Alex was also an excellent guide in his own right and complemented Sebastian. He was really great at organising all the kit and teaching the porters how to set up camp in a comfortable and safe way. Willy although quiet at times was well organised and a great cook, fantastic local dishes and a pleasure to be with on the hikes. End of November was a great time of the year to go, no rain clear blue skies most of the time, although cold when the sun went down especially when at high altitude.
By Julie from Broadway | 14 December 2017


This was a fantastic trip. Find my photos here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>

By Gregory from FLAGSTAFF | 24 July 2017

Superb trek, tough and well worth the effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Guatemala = Incredible Guides = Superb Scenery = Beautiful Volcanoes = Awesome, especially Feugo Camp Sites = Perfect Food = Wow, at camp sites and restaurants Lake Atitlan/San Pedro = Enjoy :-) Value for Money = Worth every penny, an incredible deal. Everything about this trip was top shelf, the guides Luis &amp; Josh became friends almost overnight, they were a major part of what made the trip so incredible. I have had three trips with KE and all adventures have been professional, well lai d out &amp; tough, this one hits the top of the list thus far. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, "Ill be back" Best, John
By John from HAMILTON | 17 April 2017

Wow! - fantastic and very different trekking holiday
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great holiday, great accommodation and food much better than expected. Guides Joshua and Louis are fantastic and really make holiday. Hotels are spotless and full of character and going out to different restaurants for meals was great idea (only pay for drinks). Camp sites are in great locations and well organised. Places visited were amazing and the views seen are truely awesome (won't say any more as don't want to spoil your anticipation). The following is not meant to be negative or to put you off a fabulous holiday but: note that this is tough walking - volcanoes are steep! The 1,200 m of assent is much tougher than walking in the Lakes or Scotland - the height is often gained in less than 3km - add to that the heat and altitude and on occasion loose shale underfoot. That said the trip is broken up well with hard days followed by easier days. You do need warm gear for evening and morning camps. If you are fit, go - you will not be disappointed.
By Graeme from Whitley Bay | 11 April 2017

Had the most incredible & unforgettable trip scaling the magnificent 7 volcanoes

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By David from Whitley Bay | 10 April 2017

A great adventure, both in terms of outdoor pursuits and archaeology.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The trip exceeded my expectations. I had concerns about food hygiene. The food was very good and when not camping we were brought to a different local restaurant for each meal. All were to a high standard. The hotels were clean and welcoming. I had concerns about security. There were armed police at Guatemala City airport and throughout Antigua city and tourist areas. I soon relaxed but the situation outside these areas could be different for the unwary. I had concerns about the local team leade rs. All three were excellent - enthusiastic and painstaking with fluent English. Guatemala has great potential for active tourists.
By Robert from SUTTON | 06 January 2017

Exceeded expectations on every level, probably the best holiday we've ever had!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We booked this trip after going to Nepal with KE to compete in the Everest Marathon 2 years ago. We picked the Guatemala trip from the brochure description, it seemed to offer adventure and a holiday with travel to somewhere we had never thought about before. Wow were we in for a treat. Again KE's organisation was impeccable, so easy to book and complete all preliminary tasks before travelling. The guides for our trip were from Old Town Outfitters in Antigua, 3 local guys who were just fant astic. The trip starts in Antigua, which is a beautiful town and then takes you on a whirlwind of trekking, high camping, forests, fields, erupting volcanoes, roaring volcanoes, hissing volcanoes, quiet volcanoes, very high volcanoes, beautiful lakes, busy cities and some relaxing times as well. Our chief guide, Sebastian, was so passionate and knowledgeable of his country, this just flowed over us and made the trip an absolute pleasure. We expected to climb 7 volcanoes and so we did (I actually summited 10 as went up 3 again, don't ask!!) but it was the immersion and exposure to the people and culture of Guatemala that made the trip so special. KE's planning of this trip is superb and when you cannot believe things could get better (like after the 4th day camp high on Acatenango next to the erupting Fuego) they actually get better, and better. I cannot think of anything to improve the trip at all.
Tips for future travellers.
The fitter you are, mountain walking wise, the more fun you will have.
Travel as lightly as you can, its either steeply up or steeply down!
Just have an open mind and heart and lap everything up.
Remember where you actually are, most of the time you are walking through peoples livelihoods!
Get this trip booked now!!!
By Timothy from ST GEORGE | 01 December 2016

Highlights of Guatemala trip, Acatenango, Fuego and Zunil, November 2016

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By Timothy from ST GEORGE | 01 December 2016

An excellent holiday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I have real problems with the ke website and brochure. What is the point of a brochure that doesn't! Detail holidays? What bright spark thought that up? Why doesn't the website allow seamless searching? All of which is a pity as our holiday to Guatemala was one one the best we have been on. Great guides, great itinerary, a holiday to remember. Worst part was transiting through Houston. Would recommend a non-us flight.

By Christopher from NEWCASTLE | 22 April 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review and we are glad that you enjoyed your experience, climbing Guatemala's magnificent seven volcanoes. We are proud of our new-look brochure which is full of interesting stories and inspiring images from our own staff and leaders who know the countries we visit like no-one else. Brochures which are nothing more than a catalogue of trips more easily found online, are no longer as useful as they once were and this was the overwhelming feeling of our clients from our survey conducted in May 2015. We will continue to improve our search facility to make it as easy as possible for you to find your perfect trip every time and we are happy to read that your latest holiday with us was such a success.

Beyond expectations
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first KE experience and I was very impressed with all aspects of it. The three guides were a delight, a major factor in the quality of the trip. The small group (6 in all) was a bonus - very friendly, compatible group. The variety of experiences gave us a good feel for the country. The terrain was more challenging than I expected with many of the trails steep, rocky and narrow. No real problems however. I enjoyed the food - great on the trail- one or two more up-scale experienc es in town might have been fun. I had a wonderful time - highly recommended. Richard
By Richard from Calgary | 14 February 2016

The trip delivered as promised
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We were very fortunate to witness an eruption of Fuego from less that half a mile away. We were camping at the usual campsite on the side of Acatenango while Fuego performed spectacularly for 30 hours.. The remaining volcanos were less exciting, but excellent tough climbs (and descents). The country is lovely - much of it forested and also with extensive small-scale farming which is done with little mechanical assistance on well-tended and often steep ground. The guides (Luis, Mario &amp; Al ehandro) were very good and very helpful. All the meals in town were in good quality restaurants and the hotels were fine better than I expected) - one was a bit 'tired' but the showers worked and everything was clean. Mario's camp-site cooking was a marvel and Luis passed on stacks of information about the country's history, politics and culture. The campsites were quite high up and got quite cold in the evenings - and more so in the early morning for the climbs to watch the sun rise on the summits. . The zero degree warning did not exaggerate (our breath settled as ice on the inside of the tents) I would suggest take a full down jacket and good gloves for these few hours. Some of the summits are made less pleasant by extensive litter - our group was well-organised and did not contribute to the problem, but its clear that not everyone is so disciplined. Antigua seems the nicest town in the country - I would suggest a 2-3 hour walking tour early in the trip would add to the overall trip - the places to go for food, drink, souvenirs etc. are not very obvious or easy to find.
By Anthony from MACCLESFIELD | 31 January 2016

Superb trip
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Thoroughly enjoyable and fascinating trip. Superbly organised from start to finish.

By Mark from DUNBLANE | 10 January 2016

Stunning country and magnifcent volcanoes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

First time I have used KE and extremely satisfied with the organization, from both the UK operations and the in-country team. Walking was challenging - because of the sheer altitudes to be climbed on a daily basis - from village level all the way to the summit including the requirement to acclimatize. Sunrises and sunsets were awesome! Volcanoes were very active - consider taking a tripod to capture night time volcanic activity of Fuego, for example.

By Nicola from PLYMOUTH | 04 January 2016

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By Roger from UK | 25 September 2015

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By Peter from UK | 25 September 2015

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By Andrew from UK | 25 September 2015

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By Lily from UK | 24 September 2015

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By Andrew from UK | 24 September 2015


Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



Adults from



More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /03/24/
  • This trip begins on Sat 2 Nov and ends on Sat 16 Nov
  • This departure is available and departs within 8 days. Secure your place today with full payment
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /05/24/
  • This trip begins on Fri 13 Dec and ends on Fri 27 Dec
  • This departure is available and departs within 49 days. Secure your place today with full payment
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes



Adults from



More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /01/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 11 Jan and ends on Sat 25 Jan
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$425
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /02/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 15 Mar and ends on Sat 29 Mar
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$425
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /03/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 18 Oct and ends on Sat 1 Nov
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$425
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /04/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 15 Nov and ends on Sat 29 Nov
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$425
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
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More Information

  • Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: GVO /05/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 13 Dec and ends on Sat 27 Dec
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$425
  • Single Supplement Price: US$915 - Includes all group hotel & lodge nights where available (single tent not included)
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$250
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary, joining in Guatemala City. A single transfer from/to Guatemala City Airport.


BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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