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Spirit of Shackleton Expedition

Argentina, Antarctica
Available Departures: Jan

22 days from


without flights
Guided Group

A three week epic Antarctic expedition visiting the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula

Trip Code: PSS
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Spirit of Shackleton Expedition

  • Discounts Available- contact the KE office for a quote

  • Spend a fantastic two full days in the Falkland Islands

  • Explore Shackleton's South Georgia for three full days, including visiting his grave

  • See penguins, whales and seabirds from the ship

  • Team of expert polar expedition leaders on board

  • All zodiac excursions, trips to shore and all meals on board are included

  • Options available to kayak and / or camp - advance booking essential, these spaces are very limited!

At a Glance
  • Group Size 1 to 134
  • 19 days Antarctic Cruise touring and Zodiac boat trips
  • Join In Ushuaia

Accommodation & Meals
  • 21 Breakfasts
  • 18 Lunches
  • 19 Dinners
  • 19 nights Boat
  • 2 nights Hotel

This is the ultimate Antarctic and subantarctic Polar Expedition/Cruise holiday where we can experience vast penguin rookeries and seal colonies on Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands. On our ship the MS Expedition we visit the Falkland Islands and South Georgia before travelling to the Antarctic Peninsula. With this full itinerary we ensure that we have the best opportunity to see all the wildlife of the area, for example King Penguins and the Albatross which breed on South Georgia, but not on the Antarctica Peninsula. Here on South Georgia we can walk quietly amongst the king penguins and watching them surf onto the beach. Unique wildlife is also seen on our 2 day stop at the Falkland Islands. The 22-day voyage also illuminates Shackleton's legend and recounts his courageous exploration of Antarctica. We visit historical sites of the explorers, as well as Shackleton's final resting place. Antarctica is beyond comprehension and sure to amaze any traveller seeking a true adventure to the world's most remote wilderness.

Is this holiday for you?

This is principally a touring, sightseeing and wildlife viewing holiday, with minimal exertion required. If you choose to go ashore, you will need to make the transfers from the ship to a Zodiac and onto land. Short walks The Falklands, South Georgia and on the Antarctic Peninsula are optional and weather dependent. You should also consider that some of the classes of accommodation involve the …

This is principally a touring, sightseeing and wildlife viewing holiday, with minimal exertion required. If you choose to go ashore, you will need to make the transfers from the ship to a Zodiac and onto land. Short walks The Falklands, South Georgia and on the Antarctic Peninsula are optional and weather dependent. You should also consider that some of the classes of accommodation involve the use of bunk-beds. Whilst on deck or during excursions, you need to be prepared for cold temperatures. The itinerary remains flexible, according to the variability of the weather and sea conditions at these southerly latitudes. A suggested itinerary for the holiday is given, but may be subject to change.


On certain departures you can book kayaking, experience is essential for these kayaking excursions. A night camping on Antarctic is also possible. All equipment is provided for kayaking and camping. Early booking is essential. Cabin upgrades are also available.


Please see our online Polar Guide for the differences between our departures, ships and more Polar information.

Why KE?

Don’t miss the boat!
We include an additional night in Ushuaia included in the price to help prevent any issues with flight delays. This night is already included in the itinerary shown.

No surprise costs.
All zodiac excursions, landings and all meals on board are included in the price.



Meet at group hotel in Ushuaia. KE Land Only package services begin with the overnight stay at the group hotel.



An opportunity to look around the world’s most southerly city. This is a contingency day in case of any delays to your international flights.





The morning is free for independent sightseeing in and around Ushuaia or for any last minute purchases you need for the trip. In the afternoon we embark on the M/S Expedition and settle in to our cabin. We gather for an initial briefing and enjoy our first sailing this evening through the Beagle Channel.





Our adventure begins with our passage east to the Falkland Islands. Today we have time to familiarise ourselves with the ship and its routines. There are several common areas including the lounge, dining hall, library, presentation room and outside viewing areas where we look out for our first sightings of icebergs, whales and albatross which follow in the ship's wake. We will also start our daily lectures and get to know the guides and crew.





The Falkland Islands provide a rare opportunity to witness the biological diversity and extraordinary scenery of the southern islands. Penguins and albatross are abundant here, and the world's largest colony of the endangered Black Browed albatross is found on Steeple Jason Island in the far northwest corner of the Falkland Islands. Using the ship's zodiacs to get in close or to make landings, we will visit a number of colonies to view the populations of albatross, Rockhopper Penguins, Gentoo Penguins, Southern Giant Petrels, Prions, Falkland Skuas, and Striated Cara-Caras. On board we will hear from our experts about the habitat and habits of these birds.





A further day to explore the Falkland Islands. We visit the capital, Port Stanley which provides an opportunity to meet the hardy local inhabitants. Originally strategically important as a deep water port for ships sailing through the Straits of Magellan, when the Panama Canal opened in 1914, the focus of Port Stanley's economy shifted to whaling and sealing. It became an important coaling station for the Royal Navy when steam took over from sail and when the airport was built in 1972, the town became a major staging point for the British Antarctic Survey. Most people will have heard of Port Stanley for the 10 weeks in 1982 when the town was occupied by an invading military force from Argentina. The British government sent a flotilla in response and after some skirmishes at sea including the sinking of two ships, the British surrounded Port Stanley and forced the surrender of the occupiers. Since 1982 the Falklands have received a lot of investment and today the economy is based on fishing and tourism, particularly eco and wildlife tourism. The town's architecture is a cross between Greenland and Suffolk with low storied housing in bright colours, splendid stone churches and traditional red post and telephone boxes.





Leaving the Falkland Islands we sailing east on a course for South Georgia Island. Our days at sea are filled with wildlife sightings including whales and slide shows from our team of experts to prepare us for landings.





All through our time on the MS Expedition we can attend lectures hosted throughout the day on everything from local wildlife to geology to history. The MS Expedition has one of the highest ratios of expedition team members to guests – with one expert for every ten guests there is always someone on hand to answer questions and provide greater insight and appreciation of the world at its extremes. The expedition team is comprised of professional and highly skilled historians, marine biologists, and naturalists who offer keen insight and a unique personal perspective to each and every adventure.





On the third day after leaving Port Stanley we will be in sight of South Georgia and depending on our progress may be able to make a landing on this day.





Spend three days exploring South Georgia Island if weather permits. Observe a large colony of King penguins, the second largest species of penguin that stand almost 100cm (3 ft) tall. Nearby islands are the nesting grounds for Wandering albatross, a species of albatross that only stays on land to breed and eat. Hopefully in the three days in the area the group will get a chance to spot one of these majestic sea birds during the small amount of time it spends on land. We will visit Stromness where Shackleton reached after crossing the island's mountainous interior and his grave in the church at Grytviken where he died.





South Georgia is a British overseas territory which is just about as remote from Britain as it gets. The island was first claimed for Britain by Captain James Cook who made the first known landing in 1775. The island was named in honour of the then King George III. Throughout the 19th century South Georgia was a base for sealing and from the beginning of the 20th century this developed into whaling also. A Norwegian, Carl Anton Larsen, established the first land-based whaling station at Grytviken in 1904 which continued to operate for the next 60 years until whaling was ended. A total of seven whaling stations were established non the island all along the sheltered north coast. It was a harsh life in bitter conditions and not a particularly pleasant place to live with the stench of whale blubber filling the air. With the end of the whaling industry, the stations were abandoned and the hardy men left. The island is not entirely uninhabited though and the present residents are the British Government Officer, Deputy Postmaster and the various scientists, and support staff from the British Antarctic Survey who maintain scientific bases at Bird Island and at the capital, King Edward Point. There are also staff employed to run a museum in the original whaling station at Grytviken where some original buildings including the church have been preserved for posterity. A story which will forever be associated with South Georgia is that of Shackleton's epic voyage in a tiny boat across 800 miles of stormy Southern Ocean to land on South Georgia, resulting in the rescue of the marooned 22 men of his Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914–17.





There is so much to see on this very remote island of South Georgia that we have another day here to ensure that we can make the most of the experience.





We now turn south retracing Shackleton's route backwards as we head towards Elephant Island on the outer fringes of the South Shetland Islands. Shackleton's journey from Elephant Island in a ship's life boat christened the James Caird took him fifteen perilous days. We hope to do it in two! During the voyage we will once again be edified and entertained by our team of on-board experts and there are further opportunities for wildlife watching.





As we approach the South Shetlands our wildlife observations increase and we can see penguins gathering with their fast-growing chicks and whales in greater numbers, while seals haul out onto ice floes and beaches with numerous albatross and other seabirds trailing in our wake. Elephant Island is famously the place where the 28 men of Shackleton's expedition made landfall after their ship, the Endurance was crushed by pack ice in the Weddell Sea. After a harrowing journey over the ice and finally on the sea in three small lifeboats, they arrived on the barren and uninhabited Elephant Island - the only solid ground for miles. It was from here that Shackleton set off with five others to make the historic voyage to South Georgia, an incredible feat of navigation and seamanship by any standards.





This is what we've all been waiting for - a chance to explore step foot on the Great White Continent! Over the next few days the MS Expedition will navigate southwards making stops in the South Shetland Islands then through the Bransfield Strait and to the Antarctic Peninsula.





We experience some of the most unique wildlife viewing and inspiring scenery in the world while setting foot on the Antarctic continent. We attempt two shore landings per day, but the itinerary and daily schedule will be based on the local weather and ice conditions. The whole area teems with wildlife activity - Gentoo, Chinstrap and Adelie penguin rookeries with their fast-growing chicks, Orca, Humpback and Minke whales are seen, Weddell, Crabeater and Leopard seals haul out onto ice floes and beaches, and numerous albatross and other seabirds trail in our wake.





During the days here there may also be options to explore the coastline in sea kayaks and to spend a night camped on the Antarctic Peninsula itself. These are only available on certain departures. Polar Plunge…You remembered to pack your bathing suit, right? Depending on weather conditions, you can opt to do the polar plunge and jump into the frigid waters of the Antarctic. Convince some of your fellow passengers to join and you’ll be left with an amazing group experience no one will ever forget!





On this through voyage we have extra days cruising in the Antarctic Peninsula. This enables us to go further to seek out the wildlife and also spending more time in certain areas if we have good sightings. If we have taken the kayaking option then we have more opportunity paddle in these serene peaceful waters.





These extra days also allow us to listen to further presentations by the staff. This will give us a superb insight into the wildlife and environment issues and we will come home feeling that we have gained a huge amount of knowledge about this amazing continent. This once in a lifetime trip and it is worth that little bit extra to spend extra time here.





We now head north again leaving this incredible continent and crossing over the 400-mile Drake Passage, named after the 16th century English explorer Sir Francis Drake. Over the two day crossing we enjoy some final lectures by our expedition staff who by now will be well known to us.





From the viewing decks we catch some final glimpses of the birds and whales in this extraordinary part of the world before relaxing in our comfortable cruise home as we return to Ushuaia.





Having arrived in Ushuaia during the night, we disembark the M/S Expedition in the morning. Ushuaia Airport transfers are provided.


Download Trip Notes
The Route
Airport Airport
Point Point
Direction Direction

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • Expert Expedition staff
  • Ushuaia arrival airport transfers
  • Single timed departure transfer to airport or into Ushuaia
  • All accommodation as described
  • Meals as detailed in the Meal Plan
  • Shore excursions and Zodiac cruises in Antarctica with expert expedition team
  • Waterproof boots
  • Lecture and guidance programs during the expedition
  • Antarctica destination guide book

  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for staff
  • Some meals as detailed in the Meal Plan
  • Airport departure taxes
  • Cost of optional excursions - Kayaking and overnight camping on Antarctica (see extensions)
  • Transfers between airports in Buenos Aires
  • Miscellaneous expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc

Day 1
The group will meet at the group hotel in Ushuaia. On arrival in Ushuaia you will need to take a taxi to the hotel.

Day 22
Upon completion of the 08:00 disembarkation in Ushuaia, passengers will receive a complimentary transfer to either the airport or a central location where luggage can be stored.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking confirmation.

All meals whilst on board the M/S Expedition are included. Breakfast only is included while staying in the hotel in Ushuaia. All other meals you will pay for directly. In practice this amounts to a total of 2 dinners and 1 lunch while in Ushuaia. We recommend you allow about US$20 per meal in Ushuaia.

Water from the taps may not be drinkable in all locations on this trip - please check with your guide. We recommend taking water purification tablets and a reusable bottle with a filter such as Water-to-Go, which can both be used to help make safe other water sources. Please note that we do not encourage the purchase of single use plastic bottles.

Onboard the ship a diverse range of international dishes is available. Meals are prepared and catered by professional chefs and all meals are included in the trip price. Dining is casual, tables are unassigned and the dining room is capable of seating the entire passenger compliment at one time. There is always a selection of different meals available with plenty of options for vegetarians. Special dietary requirements can be accommodated with advance notice (please advise us at time of booking). Coffee, tea and water are all provided free of charge. All other beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic are not included and can be purchased in the dining room, pub or the lounge.

During this trip the group will spend 2 nights at an hotel in Ushuaia at the start of the trip. For these two nights in Ushuaia, for solo bookings the first night will be a single room and the second night on a twin share basis. The following 18 nights are spent on board the fantastic M/S Expedition Polar Cruise Ship.
The MS Expedition has multiple large public areas to enjoy during sea crossings and in between land excursions. Amenities include:
All cabins with private en suite and outside view,
The Penguin Library,
Medical clinic and english speaking doctor,
Polar Bear Pub,
The Lounge,
Albatross Dining Room - serving international cuisine and large enough to accommodate all passengers in one sitting,
Large aft deck with barbecue facilities,
Forward deck viewing platforms,
Fitness centre/sauna,
Laundry service (for a small additional charge),
Wi-Fi (for an additional charge),

Accommodation on board is based on a quad cabin with porthole (CAT.1A). If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired up with other single clients of the same sex. Cabin upgrades to triples, twins and cabins with larger windows are possible as well as singles, all depending on availability. Please contact the office for prices and availability. Additional hotel nights in Ushuaia are also available.

A carefully chosen team will lead your voyage. The MS Expedition ships boast an international team of professional naturalists and lecturers. Their goal is to provide an informed and balanced interpretation of the destination, accomplished through stimulating lectures, day-to-day briefings, and informal discussions. Your lecturers and Expedition Leader will cover all aspects of the voyage including ornithology, marine biology, geography, geology, history and the environment, as well as practical things like photography. The expedition staff work conscientiously with you on deck and in the field, improving your observational skills to allow you to experience all that the destination has to offer. Their strong sense of ethics and ecological knowledge make for stimulating and mindful conversation whether onshore or at the dinner table. The Expedition Staff will pilot the Zodiac landing craft used for shore landings and Zodiac cruises; they are experienced drivers who operate the Zodiacs in a responsible manner.

This holiday does not involve any significant ascent to altitude and we would not expect any altitude issues with this trip.

It is not practical to set a recommended amount for personal spending money on a trip like this. All meals while on board and the daily Zodiac excursions are included in the price. The main extra spend on board will be on drinks and this will vary greatly from person to person. As a guide, we recommend you allow $10-15 per day for tips to your crew and expedition staff. You will also require approximately $15 - $20 per meal while you are staying in Ushuaia. It is possible to withdraw cash US dollars from ATM’s in Ushuaia. On board ship, bar bills can be put on a tab and paid at the end of the cruise by credit or debit card. We recommend that you bring a minimum of US$200 in cash for emergency situations where you are unable to withdraw money from ATMs.

Tipping is the accepted way of saying ‘thank you’ to the staff who have assisted you on your expedition. Tips do not form any part of the wages of the staff but they are very much appreciated. It is important to remember that tipping is voluntary and should be dependent on good service. Normally tips are collected by the Hotel Manager at the end of the voyage and distributed amongst the crew and Expedition Staff. The Officers in charge of the ship choose not to participate in the tipping pool. As a guide, we recommend that each group member contributes around $120 - 180 to these tips.

For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage and a daypack. Luggage with wheels is useful for this holiday. For international flights please check your baggage allowance with your airline (the baggage limit on the domestic flight between Buenos Aries and Ushuaia is 20kg).  Please note that you should be able to carry your own luggage.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in the ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

As this holiday is run with G Adventures, the minimum age is 10 yrs (anyone under 18 must be travelling with a parent or guardian).

The holiday will be conducted in English. Generally on these trips there will be a mix of nationalities but it is not possible to guarantee this.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.


You will require an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation), and you must get this before boarding any US-bound aircraft or ship, or entering on a land border. The fee is USD$21 and you should apply for it at With the ESTA complete, the majority of British Citizen passport holders can enter the US under the Visa Waiver Programme, VWP. You will be required to have a passport with an integrated chip. Note that if you have travelled to Cuba, Iran, Syria or North Korea since March 2011* you will have to apply for a visa rather than the Visa Waiver Programme (* a full and up to date list of countries can be found on the US government website here.)


All citizens (except for USA citizens) will require an eTA (Electronic Travel Authorisation), and you must get this before boarding any Canada-bound aircraft or ship, or entering on a land border. The fee is CAD$7 and you should apply for it at


US passport holders must obtain a Brazilian visa prior to arrival if they will be in Brazil for more than 6 hours.

Visa Argentina

UK and USA passport holders do not require a visa for short stays.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro.

When on the ship everything is priced is US$.  If you are paying in cash you will need US$, if you are paying by card your bank will use their exchange rate.

The unit of currency in Argentina is the Peso. 

It makes a lot of sense to spend some time before coming on an active holiday getting some additional exercise. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find the experience. Although this is principally a cruise holiday you will have the opportunity for walks on the Falklands and South Georgia and also on the Antarctic Peninsula. Also a basic level of fitness is required to get in and out of the Zodiacs.

In South Georgia and along the Antarctic Peninsula, temperatures as high as 15°C have been recorded, though during the Antarctic summer temperatures are typically between 0 and 2°C. The wind will be a significant moderating factor and you must come prepared for ‘real feel’ temperatures as low as -20°C. While the Falkland Islands do receive considerable rainfall, the Antarctic is technically classed as a desert averaging 166 mm of precipitation per year. Although you are unlikely to experience any precipitation in this part of the voyage, storms can and do occur.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that before travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates directly from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • South: The Endurance Expedition. Ernest Shackleton

  • Natural History of the Antarctic Peninsula. Sanford Moss

  • The Heart of the Great Alone - Scott, Shackleton 

  • David Hempleman-Adams Polar Exploration

South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey

The South Shetland Islands at 1:200,000 from British Atlantic Survey is a visually impressive topographic and bathymetric overview map of the South Shetland Isles, based on satellite imagery. Double-sided and split into three smaller maps - Livingston Island on one side, around Elephant Island and King George Island on the other.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

This holiday is part of our Explore International range. Participants on these trips can book through KE or through one of our international partners. This helps us to gather together sufficient numbers of like-minded adventurers to get your holiday up and running quickly. Led by an English-speaking guide, the cosmopolitan nature of these groups can be an important part of the experience!

The following checklist should help you with your packing. Dress on board is informal. Beware of tight clothing that leaves no room for trapped air, which is an excellent insulator. Wool, silk and some of the new synthetic fibers, like polar fleece, retain heat better than cotton.

You must bring the following items:

  • Casual shoes / Trainers or similar for onboard

  • Rubber boots (Wellington boots)*

  • Walking shoes*

  • Socks (Warm, high wool or similar socks worn over a thin pair of silk, polypropylene socks should provide enough warmth and insulation for your feet. Bring several pairs of socks, since you will inevitably get your feet wet)

  • Waterproof jacket (a basic waterproof jacket is provided for everyone once on the ship)

  • Trekking trousers

  • Waterproof trousers

  • Thermal baselayer - leggings

  • Underwear

  • Baselayer shirts / fleece

  • Casual shirt and/or T-shirts

  • Fleece jacket or warm jumper

  • Sunhat

  • Warm hat

  • Scarf and/or buff

  • Sunglasses

  • Gloves or mittens (Thin polypropylene gloves under warm and waterproof outer gloves is a good combination)

  • Headtorch and spare batteries

  • Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)

  • Water bottles 1 Litre x1 (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)

  • Washbag and toiletries

  • Antibacterial handwash

  • Selection of dry bags (to keep rucksack contents dry)

  • Small padlock (to lock trek bag)

  • Small daypack

  • Warm jacket (down)

  • Plug adapter - On the ship you will need a plug / adaptor with European 2 pin round holes.  There are also 110-volt shaving sockets in the bathroom for electric razors only.

  • Basic First Aid Kit including: Antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), painkillers, and plasters. Glucose tablets and multi-vitamin tablets are also a good idea.

The following items are optional:

  • Warm Ski pants

  • Shorts

  • Spare gloves

  • Travel clothes

  • Camera (in a dry bag)

  • Binoculars

  • Pen-knife (remember to pack sharp objects in hold baggage)

  • Repair kit – (eg. needle, thread, duct tape)

  • Seasickness remedy

  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)


*Rubber boots / Wellington boots: Complimentary waterproof boots are supplied for the following sizes:

  • Men’s USA size 8-14 / UK size 7 to 13½ / Europe 41 to 48½
  • Women’s USA size 3 to 9 / UK size 1 to 6½ / Europe 33 to 40

If you have different feet sizes to these you should bring your own rubber boots. These should be rubber, waterproof boots that are just below your knee with a strong, ridged non-skid sole.

Although this is not a trekking trip, there is the opportunity to sightsee around Ushuaia. If you intend to make the most of these opportunities, you should make sure that you take suitable footwear.

Kayak Excursion (pre-booking essential) If you choose the optional Kayak Excursion please ensure you have enough layers with you to keep you warm. You will need thermal underwear and vest (note that cotton is not acceptable), polypropylene/ pile (polar fleece) trousers and non bulky jacket, a fleece or tight knit wool cap (X2), a neck tube or balaclava, mid weight fleece gloves. You should also take dry bags for personal gear/camera. You will be supplied with: Kokatat Supernova Paddling suits, paddles, floatation vest, spray skirt, neoprene pogies (paddling mittens) and neoprene booties. You will be required to have with you thermal layers suitable for temperatures ranging between -5ºC (23ºF to +7ºC (45ºF)

Camping Excursion (pre-booking essential, over 18yrs only) If you choose the optional camping excursion you should pack an extra fleece or 2 (plus a down jacket) for the chilly evening on the snow. You will be provided with: tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat & emergency supplies.

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


Extension Details

Sea Kayaking - Antarctic

1 Day

Going eye to eye with an inquisitive whale is a rare and special moment that will carve itself into your memory. Kayaking isn't just an outdoor adventure, it's an opportunity to experience these remote regions from another vantage point.  You'll venture out to sheltered bays and areas known for calmer waters and take part in group kayaking trips led by our experienced and skilled leaders. No other activity gets you as close to the natural environment!

Kayaking excursions are dependent on weather but the team will aim to get you out in the Kayaks as many times as possible during the cruise. Previous kayaking experience is strongly recommended. You do not need to know how to roll a kayak or do a self-rescue. Professional guides will be on board to help you with new skills or to offer coaching to improve your paddling performance.

It is essential to book early for this experience - you can not book this once on board and places are very limited.

Extension Code: KPSS

Extension Itinerary

We will endeavour to provide our kayaking activities as often as the ship's schedule, weather and ice conditions permit. Paddling excursions will typically last for one to two hours, with the possibility of an extended trip depending on the ship's scheduling and the weather and ice conditions. The purpose of our kayak excursions is to enjoy the scenery, wildlife and the sounds.

Whats Included
  • Prijon Excursion Tandem Kayaks (stable and tough kayak!)
  • Kokatat Supernova Paddling Suits
  • Paddles Neoprene pogies (paddling mittens)
  • Safety floatation vests
  • Spray skirts
  • Neoprene booties
What's Not Included
  • Additional non-specialist clothing for paddling (gloves and socks etc) - see kit list
Extension Details

Antarctic Camping Excursion

1 Day

On the day of the camping expedition dinner will be served onboard - eat heartily as there will be no personal snacks allowed onshore as per IAATO regulations. After dinner you will go by Zodiac to the campsite and after setting up camp for the evening, you will have time to explore the area and enjoy the Antarctic evening.  The following morning, wake up time will be about an hour before ship's breakfast, allowing time to collect and stow our equipment before journeying back to the ship by zodiac.


Previous camping experience is not necessary, but members of the camping group will be asked to help put up tents under the instruction of the expedition leader. As we are in a ecologically sensitive environment, we ask that members of the group, follow closely the instructions of the expedition leader in order to minimize impacts, and ensure that we at all times, meet and exceed IAATO regulations. Safety is always paramount. Each camping expedition is restricted to a maximum of 20 campers and will be accompanied by a minimum of two experienced Expedition Staff members.


Communication with the ship will be maintained throughout the excursion and we carry emergency rations in the event that our schedule becomes extended as a result of weather conditions. Accommodation on the camping expedition is twin-share. Single travellers will be paired with other single travellers of the same sex.

Extension Code: CAMP

Extension Itinerary

Dinner will be served onboard, eat heartily as there will be no personal snacks allowed onshore as per IAATO regulations. After dinner you will go to your campsite by zodiac. After setting up camp for the evening, you will have time to explore the nearby area and enjoy the Antarctic evening. Wake up time will be about an hour before breakfast, before journeying back to the ship by zodiac.

Whats Included
  • Tents
  • Minus 20 C sleeping bag
  • Thermarest
  • Portable toilet (all waste must be taken back to the ship as per Antarctic regulations)
What's Not Included
  • Additional warm clothing - see kit list.


2020 Trip to The Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica

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By Paul from Poole | 14 April 2020

Traveller Reviews

2020 Trip to The Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica

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By Paul from Poole | 14 April 2020


Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



Adults from



More Information

  • Spirit of Shackleton Expedition
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: PSS /01/25/
  • This trip begins on Fri 10 Jan and ends on Fri 31 Jan
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$1,900
  • Download Trip Notes



Adults from



More Information

  • Spirit of Shackleton Expedition
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: PSS /01/26/
  • This trip begins on Sat 10 Jan and ends on Sat 31 Jan
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$1,900
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary joining in Ushuaia. For clients making their own flight arrangements, Ushaia Airport is the most convenient for transfers to the group hotel.


Final Balance

Full payment for all Polar Cruises is 19 weeks prior to departure. Early booking is recommended as flights fill early and cabin choice can be more limited nearer to departure.

Medical Form

Please note that for all our Polar Cruises you are required to complete a confidential medical form. This will be sent to you with your booking confirmation.

Upgrade Price per person and cabins

Our base price for this holiday includes accommodation in a quad cabin with porthole. It is possible to upgrade to cabins with triple or twin berth twin with porthole, or twin with window or to a superior/suite with double bed. If you are travelling on your own you will be paired up with another single client of the same sex. Please contact the office for further details on upgrade prices. All cabins and have private en-suite bathrooms. 


G Adventures Cabin Types

BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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