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Family Iceland Adventure

Available Departures: Jul, Aug

8 days from




without flights
Multi Activity

Discover Iceland with your family on this jam-packed, one week, adventure holiday

Trip Code: FIE
Minimum child age: 8
Child discount up to and including age: 11
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Family Iceland Adventure



Animals And Wildlife

Boat Ride


  • Whizz past icebergs on a zodiac tour of Fjallsarlon glacier lagoon and walk with crampons on a glacier
  • See geology in action: lava tunnels, hot springs, boiling mud cauldrons, steaming vents, black sand beaches and more!
  • Enjoy Whale-watching, puffin spotting, kayaking and soaking in the famous Blue Lagoon
  • Discover the Golden Circle of Gulfoss, Geysir and Thingvellir

At a Glance
  • Group Size 6 to 12
  • 7 days Multi-activity
  • Join In Reykjavik

Accommodation & Meals
  • 7 Breakfasts
  • 4 Dinners
  • 3 nights Hostel
  • 2 nights Guesthouse
  • 2 nights Cabin

This active family holiday in Iceland is an unforgettable experience filled with adventure, wildlife, folklore, and visiting its tremendous geological scenery. We begin our holiday north of Reykjavik, in the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, with a walk along the cliffs and sandy beaches spotting seals. We see the iconic mountain of Kirkufell, made famous in Game of Thrones.  

Moving southwards our attention focuses on the Golden Circle tour including the majestic waterfall of Gullfoss, the spouting water at Geysir and the ancient parliament at Thingvellir.  Our holiday ramps up with an enjoyable kayaking session and seeing puffins. At Fjallsarlon we take to the water on a zodiac in the glacial lagoon. The ice formations and icebergs are stunning and exude a mystical blue aura as we travel through the water. We then don crampons and walk on the ice of the glacier in Vatnajokull National Park – this is day you and the children will never forget! 

It’s then all about the lava fields, steam spouts and boiling mud cauldrons as we pass through the Krysuvik Geothermal Area. We have a lovely soak and unwind in the surreal Blue Lagoon before travelling back to Reykjavik. Our last day packs a punch, as we sail out for a morning whale-watching. Possible sightings include minke and humpback whales, porpoises and dolphins. Along our journey through Iceland we learn about how environmental changes are effecting the glaciers and wildlife, and how we can take positive steps for the future.

With its breath-taking landscapes, natural wonders, and endless activities, this holiday in Iceland is perfect for active and adventurous families looking create memories that will last a lifetime.

Is this holiday for you?

Suitable for children from 8 years On this family holiday we have many outings where we will take short walks, for example along a beach or on a boardwalk over lava fields.  Some of the accommodation is simple and has shared bathroom facilities. You and your children should be able to swim. Safety equipment such as lifejackets and warm floating jackets are provided on the zodiacs and kayak …

Suitable for children from 8 years On this family holiday we have many outings where we will take short walks, for example along a beach or on a boardwalk over lava fields.  Some of the accommodation is simple and has shared bathroom facilities. You and your children should be able to swim. Safety equipment such as lifejackets and warm floating jackets are provided on the zodiacs and kayaking activities. No experience is required for kayaking and single and double kayaks are provided. The minimum age for kayaking is 6 years old.  Warm floatable overall suits are also provided (on request) on the whale-watching trip. These are to ensure you and the children are warm and can enjoy the whales to the max. There is also an inside section on the whale-watching boat.  Walking with crampons on the glacial ice is brilliant fun – it requires no experience, but you need walking boots to attach the crampons to. The minimum age for walking on the glacier in crampons is 8 years old.

Why KE?

We’ve included as many excursions and activities as possible. There is something to keep everyone entertained! Iceland is a fascinating and varied country and we want your family to experience everything it has to offer.



Arrive at Iceland's Airport Keflavik. From here we take the Flybus to Reykjavik. This simple journey (which pre-purchased tickets) gives us our first flavour of the island, its friendly people and some of the volcanic rocky landscape that will surround us this week.
Overnight Reykjavik.



After breakfast we meet our guide and have a briefing about our exciting and action packed holiday in Iceland. We set off to explore the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Lying northwest of Reykjavik, and as its nickname 'Little Iceland' suggests it's packed full of geological attractions: a volcano, glacier, lava fields, crates, waterfalls, beaches and much more! Our tour of the peninsula takes us for walks along white sandy beaches and up on the cliffs to see the rock formations of Arnarstapi as we are watched by inquisitive seals bobbing in the surrounding waters.

We hear the tales of strength of the sailors who lived on Djupalonssandur beach and we see the mountain Kirkjufell (made famous in 'Game of Thrones') and the nearby stunning waterfalls. The Snaefellsjokull glacier and volcano are spectacular, and are the entrance to the Earth's core as described in Jules Vernes famous booking 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'!

Our first day is full of folklore and volcanic features which gives us a great flavour of this unique country. We will also have realised how amicable and smiley the Icelandic people are.

We overnight on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.

Total driving time 4 hours.





Today we visit some of the 'must-see' places on an Iceland holiday, and make it fun for the children. Geysir, the famous geyser, but currently inactive, has given its name to all the geysers in the world..luckily it's brother 'Strokkur' spouts a full force of water every few minutes, to everyone's hilarity!

'Foss' in Icelandic means waterfall, and we visit the beautiful Gullfoss before driving to Thingvellir National Park. This stunning geological area, was the home of the first Iceland Parliament, which we can see ruins of, but also we observe the separation of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates - essentially how land is made - a true live geography lesson. We finish the day with a visit to a dairy farm and enjoy some excellent homemade ice cream.

We overnight in the Thingvellir/Golden Circle area.

Total driving time 3-4 hours.





Our morning starts with kayaking along the peaceful rivers and lakes here in the South Coast. This idyllic activity is so tranquil whilst being physical and the session is always a favourite for children and adults alike. We might paddle past some of the little Icelandic ponies as we journey downstream. To be at water-level is a different perspective of the landscape. It is suitable for children and beginners, single and double kayaks are provided as well as life jackets.

Continuing our journey along the south coast we stop at Skogafoss, which at 60m high is one of the largest in Iceland, and can be said to be the most beautiful. Due to the spray from it's cascade usually a rainbow is present when the sun is shining.

Further along the road is the black sand beach at Vik. Here we can see the 'petrified trolls'…legend states they turned to stone at sunrise. The impressive basalt landscape and formations is exciting in this area. Our final stop is the puffin colon at Dyrholaey. These iconic birds are so much fun to observe. Puffin couples dig tunnels for their eggs and usually return to the same burrow year after year, so great care is taken not to damage any of these fragile puffin homes. Our guide will give us lots of information about the birds and habitats.

Our adventure day comes to an end at our accommodation near Vik for the next 2 nights.

Total driving time 2 hours.





It's all about ice today. This is such a great day and you'll be talking about the experiences and memories for years to come. Our first glimpse of the stunning glacial lagoons is at Jokulsarlon were we see the icebergs floating around in the lagoon with the backdrop of the snowy mountains. These icebergs break off the glaciers on a regular base and we spend some time photographing the ice which can look a magical blue in certain light.

At the nearby Fjallsarlon Glacial Lagoon we are kitted out with lifejackets and warm jackets and board the zodiac (a small motor boat) for an iceberg experience on the lagoon. We travel through the icey-waters getting a close up view of the icebergs and the glacier. Our informative boat guide will give us interesting information about the glaciers, ice and how climate change is effecting the area. This lagoon is slightly off the beaten track, leaving us with more personal experience with this extreme of nature.

After some lunch we make our way to Vatnajokull National Park for another icy experience. We board our super jeep and ride up to the edge of the glacier. We can often see large areas of stunning flowering purple lupin along the route to the glacier. Our guide helps us fit the supplied crampons, which easily fit on any sturdy walking boot. We are then on the ice. It's so much fun for children and grown-ups! We safely walk on the glacier and learn so much about the ice and how these glaciers are formed. It's an unforgettable experience.

After our icy day we return to our accommodation for the night and a good night's sleep after all the fresh air.





As we head back in the direction of Reykjavik we stop at the waterfall of Seljalandsfoss where we have some fun trying to keep dry as we walk along a path behind the water. This water comes from the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, associated with the volcano of the same name whose ash cloud grounded flights in 2010.

We then continue along the road to the Krysuvik Geothermal Area and then for a walk along the board walks to see the newest pieces of land in the country, created in 2022 as the lava bubbled out of the ground. Here we see boiling mud cauldrons, active hot springs and the world's largest blowing steam vent.

This afternoon we visit the one of the best spas in the world, the famous geothermal Blue Lagoon. It is known for its warm milky blue water and healing properties due to the silica and minerals present. We relax and unwind in this surreal environment in the warm waters of lagoon. After our soak we transfer to Reykjavik for a last couple of nights in the capital city.





This morning we set off on our boat to see if we can spot these magnificent creatures in the seas around Iceland. Around Iceland the waters are often frequented by minke whales, humpback whales, harbour porpoises and white beaked dolphins, and it is likely that we will see one or more of these species this morning. The tour we join follows responsible whale watching guidelines. The large boat is sturdy and has an inside section to shelter on cold days. Back on shore we visit the Whales of Iceland Exhibition. Here we can get the true scale of these whales with life size models of a blue whale and 22 other species. This interactive experience allows us to learn about the effects of noise pollution and human influencing factors on the sea life, and what we can do to minimise these effects.

This afternoon is free to explore Reykjavik. The iconic church, Hallgimskirkja, is worth seeing and walk around the Old Harbour offers shops and cafes to relax in. There is also a thermal swimming pool at Laugardular that might be of interest active children and parents. There is also a 'flyover Iceland' experience where you watch an aerial film whilst suspended in the air which includes special effects such as wind, mist and scents! Or you might be interested in the huge 3D map of Iceland can be found in the City Hall. Whatever you decide to see this afternoon you will enjoy this vibrant city.

We join together in the evening to enjoy a final meal with the group, and with Reykjavik's thriving food scene you find some delights.





The holidays ends after breakfast. Flybus tickets from Reykjavik to the airport are included.


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The Route
Airport Airport
Point Point
Peaks Peaks

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • A professional and qualified tour leader
  • Flybus airport transfers on arrival and departure
  • All accommodation as described
  • Meals as described in the Meal Plan
  • All land transport required by the itinerary
  • All activities and excursions mentioned unless specified as 'optional'

  • Travel insurance
  • Some meals as described in the Meal Plan
  • Any additional activities/excursions indicated as optional
  • Tips
  • Miscellaneous personal expenditure - drinks and souvenirs etc


If flying from the UK there are low cost airlines available to the start and from the end of your holiday.

To benefit from full financial protection, ease your holiday planning, and avoid dealing with airlines, we can book scheduled flights from the UK as part of a flight inclusive package. Scheduled flights are usually more expensive that low cost alternatives, however potentially less stressful if your flight is cancelled or delayed. If you book flights through KE Adventure Travel we will offset the carbon of your flight.

The group will meet at the accommodation in Reykjavik.

Included are pre-purchased return tickets for the 'flybus'. This travels from Keflavik Airport to central Reykjavik (approx. 1hr 15mins) and back. This is an easy journey and gives you flexibility to book flights which suit your requirements.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking confirmation.

All breakfasts and 4 dinners are included.

Water is drinkable from the taps on this holiday. Please fill your personal bottles for your day in the morning. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

Breakfasts are usually continent style with bread and jams. Icelandic skyr yoghurt is normally available, maybe with some local bilberries if they are in season. Oatmeal or porridge is also a popular breakfast, and we might also be able to find waffles for breakfast in a few places.

For lunches the guide will stop at a suitable establishment where either the everyone can buy their own lunch or picnic, depending on the activity of that day. 

Dinners which are provided are balanced and healthy sourcing local produce as far as possible. We might enjoy cod, salmon, lamb with salads, rice or pasta. In the restaurants there is also a selection of regular meals such as burgers, pizzas, chips etc.

We use a small guesthouses, hostels or cottages/cabins run by local farmers. The rooms are usually family rooms, sometimes with bunk beds. We sometimes have en-suite facilities, but often we will have shared bathroom facilities.

For our nights in Reykjavik we stay in a combination of hostels and guesthouses. Often these use shared bathroom facilities.

For the 1 night on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula we stay at a guesthouse with remote wooden cabins. Sometimes we are in these cabins with private facilities, other times we will be in the apartments attached to the main building, with shared bathrooms. The guesthouse and cabins have recently been built by the farmer and are located near the sea and the Snaefellsjokull volcano.

When in the Golden Circle area we stay for 1 night in a guesthouse with shared facilities near Borg in twin or double rooms, within an eco-village.

For 2 nights near Vik we are in small cabins with a large bunk bed for 2 people on the bottom and 2 at the top. Sleeping bags are provided for this night. There is a toilet in the cabin, but the hot showers are in a separate cabin.

Some of the accommodations have a kitchenette.

Families with 1 child under 12 yrs will share rooms with their grownups. This might be a twin, triple or a double with an extra bed. Families with 2 children will usually have 2 rooms or family rooms.

Please talk to us about your requirements and we will do everything to ensure that you are happy with your rooming allocation.

Tipping is the accepted way of saying ‘thank you’ to your leader. Tipping is entirely voluntary and should be dependent on good service.

For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage, and a daypack. For international flights please check your baggage allowance with your airline.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status and so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.

Visa Iceland

UK and USA passport holders do not require a visa for short stays.

For this holiday we require a scanned copy of the main pages of your passport. Please email this to the office when your holiday is guaranteed to run.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations.

GHIC / Medical cover

UK residents should carry a free Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This entitles you to state provided medical treatment when you're visiting an EU country or Switzerland. This is not a substitute for medical travel insurance which is vital when travelling overseas.

The unit of currency in Iceland is the Icelandic Krona.

Despite its location on the edge of the Arctic Circle, Iceland is not the cold country we sometimes imagine. The island benefits from the influence of the Gulf Stream, which bathes its south, west and north-west coasts, giving the country a temperate oceanic climate (relatively mild winters and relatively cool summers). In Reykjavik, average temperatures are between 0 ° C in January and 12 ° C in July. The rains are more abundant in the south than in the north. As for the winds, they are very frequent and sometimes strong. The only thing certain about Icelandic weather is that it is extremely changeable, so you should be prepared for four seasons in one day, though generally it is warm and sunny in summer.

From May to mid-August it barely gets dark at night, which is very exciting for children, and a delightful thought when booking this holiday in the UK winter!

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware’ campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that prior to travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates direct from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

We welcome all family dynamics and we will try to accommodate you in the roomings of your choice. The only stipulation for joining a family group holiday is that 1 party member is 17yrs or under, and they are accompanied by an adult. An average group size is around 10 members in total. Further general information and FAQ's are available here: KE Family Adventure Holidays general information.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

Please note that a paper copy of your travel insurance is required if you are travelling to Huaraz and the Huayhuash region.

Please try to keep the weight of your baggage to a minimum. See the ‘baggage allowance’ section for further details.


  • Walking boots (must be ‘boots’ for the crampons to fit on), any boot and size is acceptable

  • Trainers / comfortable footwear for short walks / excursions

  • Trousers / shorts / skirt

  • T-shirts / tops / casual shirts

  • Base-layers / thermals

  • Fleece top / warm jumper

  • Puffer jacket or similar

  • Socks & Underwear

  • Waterproof jacket & overtrousers (required for kayaking)

  • Sunhat

  • Warm hat and gloves (it might get cold on the boat trips)

  • Sunglasses

  • Daypack 25-30 litres (depending on how much of the kids' stuff you need to carry)

  • Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)

  • Insect repellent

  • Water bottles (approx 2 litre per person) (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)

  • Washbag and toiletries. 

  • Antibacterial handwash

  • Swimwear

  • Swim towel

  • Basic First Aid Kit. Including: antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite).


  • Camera

  • Eye mask - to assist sleeping in the near 24-hour daylight

  • Gaiters – even just ankle gaiters will protect your trousers and ensure you don’t trip up when wearing crampons for the first time. They can be bought cheaply online if you don’t have any. Alternatively you can tuck your trousers into your socks.

  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)


Sleeping bags are provided for the 2 cabin nights near Vik.

All specialist equipment is provided, including:

Glacier walk: crampons, helmet, harness

Kayaking: lifejackets, kayaking shoes and gloves

Whale-watching: optional warm floatable overalls (kids and adults)

Glacier lagoon zodiac boat tour: Warm floatable jacket and lifejacket

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



Prices From



More Information

  • Family Iceland Adventure
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: FIE /01/24/
  • This trip begins on Sun 28 Jul and ends on Sun 4 Aug
  • This departure is available and departs within 0 days. Secure your place today with full payment by contacting the KE office
  • Download Trip Notes



Prices From



More Information

  • Family Iceland Adventure
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: FIE /01/25/
  • This trip begins on Sun 27 Jul and ends on Sun 3 Aug
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$275
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Family Iceland Adventure
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: FIE /02/25/
  • This trip begins on Sun 17 Aug and ends on Sun 24 Aug
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$275
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

We sell this holiday on a Land Only basis allowing you the flexibility to choose the travel method which best suits you. The holiday starts at the accommodation in Reykjavik. Tickets are included and pre-purchased for the 'flybus' from/to Keflavik Airport - Reykjavik.


BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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